1960년대 박정희 정부의 경제개발 5개년 계획에 전략컨설팅 회사인 ADL이 관여했다; 이 회사는 1968년 도쿄와 런던 시장을 위한 나스닥 시스템을 설계한 회사; 다만, 세계은행이나 미국 정부가 언제나 박정희 정부에 호의적이고 도와주었던 것은 아니고 적대적이기도 했다; IMF 사태 당시에는 ADL, 맥킨지&컴퍼니, 커니 등이 큰 역할을 담당했다.

한국의 경우 1960년대 박정희 정부의 경제개발 5개년 계획에 Arthur D. Little이 관여했다.
IMF 사태 당시에도 ADL[1], 맥킨지&컴퍼니[2], 커니[3] 등이 큰 역할을 담당했다. 국내 후발주자로는 1990년대 보스턴컨설팅그룹[4] 베인앤컴퍼니[5], 2010년대 들어 독일회사 롤랜드버거 등이 있다. PA와 Urwick은 한국에 진출해 있지 않다.



Seminal projects[edit]

As the pioneer firm in professional services, Arthur D. Little played a key role in numerous 20th-century business initiatives:

In 1911 ADL organized General Motors' first R&D lab,[9] leading to the formation of the firm's dedicated management consulting division, and the birth of the management consulting industry.[10]

In 1916 ADL was commissioned by the Canadian Pacific Railway to do a survey of Canada's natural resources.[9]

In 1921 the firm succeeded in using a bucket of sows' ears to make a silk purse.[9] This revolutionary achievement later became part of the Smithsonian Institute's collection.[11]

In 1968 ADL designed the NASDAQ stock exchange systems for London and Tokyo.[9]

In 1969 ADL developed the Apollo 11 Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector experiment which were installed on the Moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission and which remains active and functioning to this day.[12]

In 1980, ADL produced the European Commission's first white paper on telecommunications deregulation, having completed the first worldwide telecommunications database on phones installed, markets, technical trends, services and regulatory information.[9] It also helped privatize British Rail, generally regarded as one of the most complex privatization exercises in the world.


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