
Showing posts with the label 하버드 대학교

And, so far, it’s working, with clients of “Crimson Education” accounting for nearly 2% of the students accepted to the undergraduate class of 2028 at elite schools like Harvard, Brown, and Columbia.

아기들이 코딱지를 먹는 이유? 네이처 및 미국 하버드와 매사추세츠공과대 합동 연구팀은 코딱지에 포함된 성분이 질병을 예방하고 면역력을 향상시킨다는 연구 결과를 발표했다.

미국의 물리학자로 하버드와 MIT대 교수를 지낸 Alan Lightman가 쓴 The Transcendent Brain: Spirituality in the Age of Science; Spiritual Materilaism: 영적 탐사에 있어서 과학을 배제할 필요는 없으며, 그 반대도 마찬가지다; 양자는 서로 상호보완적일 수 있다; the Great Chain of Connection, which he relates to another of his concepts, viz., “cosmic biocentrism.” Central to the notion is “the kinship of all living things in the universe.” e writes, “The golden ratio is built into us, just as it is built into seashells and aloe plants. Our aesthetic of beauty is literally an expression of our oneness with nature.”