[다큐] The Man Who Knew Too Much | Documentary on Propaganda and Disinformation War; 1970년대 북아일랜드 지역에서 영국 정보기관이 언론이 결탁해서 조작한 사건들과 프로파간다들; 영국 정보기관들은 로스차일드계였던 노동당 출신 총리 해럴드 윌슨이 너무 유태인들과 친하게 지낸다고, 그에게 스위스 비밀은행 계좌가 있고, 성추문에 휩싸였다는 식으로 자료를 조작해 언론에 배포했다; 이런 역할을 담당했던 정보요원 Colin Wallace은 정보기관에 의해 배신당해 도마뱀 꼬리자르기 식으로 무고를 쓰고 해임되었다

The Man Who Knew Too Much | Documentary on Propaganda and Disinformation War The Man Who Knew Too Much is a documentary by Michael Oswald about Colin Wallace a former Military Intelligence Officer involved in psychological operations in Northern Ireland. Colin Wallace spread fake news, created a witchcraft scare, smeared politicians, and attempted to divide and create conflict amongst communities, organizations, and individuals as part of a Disinformation War in Northern Ireland. He fell out with members of the intelligence community and found himself accused of murder. #TheManWhoKnewTooMuch #Propaganda #DisinformationWar #Documentary #InformationWarfare #HiddenTruths #FakeNews #CovertOperations ⌚ Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:35 British Army and Foreign Office PsyOps and Propaganda 15:12 The Witchcraft Scare 30:21 Clockwork Orange 36:57 Kincora 38:30 Colin Wallace Leaves Northern Ireland 42:56 Framed for Murder 47:07 Prooving his Innocence 50:16 The Media, Power & Fake News 57:44 MI5 and Intelligence Services Accountability 1:04:15 Conclusion




Northern Ireland (Irish: Tuaisceart Éireann [ˈt̪ˠuəʃcəɾˠt̪ˠ ˈeːɾʲən̪ˠ] ;[13] Ulster Scots: Norlin Airlann) is a part of the United Kingdom in the north-east of the island of Ireland that is variously described as a country, province or region.[14][15][16][17][18] Northern Ireland shares an open border to the south and west with the Republic of Ireland. At the 2021 census, its population was 1,903,175,[7] making up around 3% of the UK's population and 27% of the population on the island of Ireland. The Northern Ireland Assembly, established by the Northern Ireland Act 1998, holds responsibility for a range of devolved policy matters, while other areas are reserved for the UK Government. The government of Northern Ireland cooperates with the government of Ireland in several areas under the terms of the Belfast Agreement.[19] The Republic of Ireland also has a consultative role on non-devolved governmental matters through the British–Irish Governmental Conference (BIIG).[20]

Northern Ireland was created in 1921, when Ireland was partitioned by the Government of Ireland Act 1920, creating a devolved government for the six northeastern counties. As was intended by unionists and their supporters in Westminster, Northern Ireland had a unionist majority, who wanted to remain in the United Kingdom;[21] they were generally the Protestant descendants of colonists from Britain. Meanwhile, the majority in Southern Ireland (which became the Irish Free State in 1922), and a significant minority in Northern Ireland, were Irish nationalists (generally Catholics) who wanted a united independent Ireland.[22] Today, the former generally see themselves as British and the latter generally see themselves as Irish, while a Northern Irish or Ulster identity is claimed by a significant minority from all backgrounds.[23]

The creation of Northern Ireland was accompanied by violence both in defence of and against partition. During the conflict of 1920–22, the capital Belfast saw major communal violence, mainly between Protestant unionist and Catholic nationalist civilians.[24] More than 500 were killed[25] and more than 10,000 became refugees, mostly Catholics.[26] For the next fifty years, Northern Ireland had an unbroken series of Unionist Party governments.[27] There was informal mutual segregation by both communities,[28] and the Unionist governments were accused of discrimination against the Irish nationalist and Catholic minority.[29] In the late 1960s, a campaign to end discrimination against Catholics and nationalists was opposed by loyalists, who saw it as a republican front.[30] This unrest sparked the Troubles, a thirty-year conflict involving republican and loyalist paramilitaries and state forces, which claimed over 3,500 lives and injured 50,000 others.[31][32] The 1998 Good Friday Agreement was a major step in the peace process, including paramilitary disarmament and security normalisation, although sectarianism and segregation remain major social problems, and sporadic violence has continued.[33]

The economy of Northern Ireland was the most industrialised in Ireland at the time of partition, but soon began to decline, exacerbated by the political and social turmoil of the Troubles.[34] Its economy has grown significantly since the late 1990s. Unemployment in Northern Ireland peaked at 17.2% in 1986, but dropped back down to below 10% in the 2010s,[35] similar to the rate of the rest of the UK.[36] Cultural links between Northern Ireland, the rest of Ireland, and the rest of the UK are complex, with Northern Ireland sharing both the culture of Ireland and the culture of the United Kingdom. In many sports, there is an All-Ireland governing body or team for the whole island; the most notable exception is association football. Northern Ireland competes separately at the Commonwealth Games, and people from Northern Ireland may compete for either Great Britain or Ireland at the Olympic Games



리볼의 윌슨 남작, 제임스 해럴드 윌슨(James Harold Wilson, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx, KG, OBE, 1916년 3월 11일 ~ 1995년 5월 24일)은 1964년부터 1970년, 1974년부터 1976년까지 총리를 지낸 영국노동당 소속 정치인이다. 그는 자신의 생애 중 1964년1966년, 1974년 2월10월의 4차례 선거에서 노동당을 이끌어 승리하였으며, 자신의 임기 중간에 다른 총리가 집권한 가장 최근의 총리이기도 하다.

그의 1기는 경제 문제와 북아일랜드 문제와 함께 진행되었다. 윌슨은 1969년에 북아일랜드에 군대를 파견하였다. 경제 분야에서는 여러 노력을 하였으나 큰 결실을 보지 못했다. 1970년 선거에서 보수당에드워드 히스에게 패한 윌슨은 1974년까지 야당 대표를 맡아 왔다. 1974년 2월 선거에서 에드워드 히스 내각이 패하면서 노동당은 1당의 위치에 서나 과반수 확보에 실패, 윌슨은 10월에 조기 총선을 실시하게 된다. 이 선거에서 승리한 후 그의 2기는 유럽 경제 공동체의 존속과 관련해 영국 최초로 국민투표를 실시하여 결정하였다. 서유럽에 차츰 경제 위기가 닥쳐오던 1976년, 그는 갑작스럽게 총리직에서 사퇴하였다.

그의 재임 기간 동안 그는 '과학혁명시대의 사회주의'를 주창하면서 경제 분야에 많은 노력을 기울였다. 그 자신이 '온건파'라고 했을 정도로 윌슨은 자신의 내각에 노동당의 여러 인물을 임명하기도 하였지만, 때로는 그와 대부분의 각료들의 정치 성향으로 인해 논쟁이 벌어지기도 하였다.[1][2]

그가 집권하면서 사회 분야에서 그의 업적이 두드러지게 나왔다. 의회에서 그는 검열, 이혼, 동성애, 이민, 낙태 등 여러 사회 문제와 관련해 진보적인 정책을 취했으며, 부대표였던 로이 젱킨스의 지지로 사형제를 폐지하기도 하였다. 그는 정치적 문제를 대처하는데 탁월하다는 평이 나왔으며 특히 미국에서 베트남 전쟁에 영국 군대를 파견하라고 압박을 하였을 때도 현명하게 대처해 좋은 평가를 얻었다.[3] 그러나 경제 문제를 해결하지 못한 것은 그의 실패점 중에 하나이기도 하다.

윌슨은 자기 고향을 연고로 둔 허더즈필드 타운 FC의 팬이기도 하였다.[4]


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