1987년 비오는 날의 신주쿠로 시간여행 by NichiBeiTrader





NichiBeiTrader is exclaiming after the passage of 36 years: "Bring back my youth!!! Bring back my hair!!!!" Just kidding. :X After thoroughly enjoying all your videos and comments, I'd like to share a few thoughts: 1. Your videos skillfully fuse the golden era of Japan in the 1980s with the captivating tunes of 1980s American pop music. "Looking For A New Love" by Jody Watley, "Eyes of a Stranger" by The Payolas, and "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell, among others – I absolutely love them! Both you and your friend, working at a recording studio, showcased impeccable video editing skills! 2. It would be wonderful if someday all three of you could reunite at a Christmas party and enjoy watching 1987 videos together. According to a comment you left 14 years ago, you meet one guy every Christmas while you haven't seen the other guy more than a few times in 15 years. Perhaps, as the years go by, it becomes increasingly challenging to meet regularly compared to the younger days. 3. Your videos were crafted in the year 1987, coinciding with the airing of the anime City Hunter on TV and four years before Tokyo Love Story, the quintessential Japanese trendy drama, made its debut on television. This serves as a nostalgic testament to the age of your videos. 4. Wishing you the joy of revisiting your videos when you turn 70 in 2037. These are just a few reflections. Maybe a bit of "Too Much Talk"




 Thanks for another great upload. We really appreciate the effort you put forth in getting these online in the best quality possible. I wonder if the people in these videos will ever stumble upon themselves 40 years later, by watching this on youtube, lol. My favroite video of yours is the 'Japan 1987 - Tokyo at Night (classic video)'. The scene where you guys enter Sunshine City mall and go down the esculator with the smoking hot girl in yellow looking back at you guys is truly the dream. It's like an epic moment straight out of cheesy love movie scene, but we all like it. I wonder what ever happend to that young lady. Wouldn't it be something if she found that video and commented on it!?! Internet Power Users, lets find her.........


Walking in the rain. At night. In Japan. In the 80's. I cannot begin to describe what i wouldn't give to have been able to trade places with you. Just awesome. Nice 80's tracks in the background, by the way.




It got even crazier by the late 1980s if you thought the early to mid 1980s was amazing. The peak of the era was around 1991; by then Japanese teenagers were riding limos in downtown Tokyo and you had to wave $400 bills in the air to even get a taxi because of how busy it was. Tokyo is actually mostly the same today, just you don’t have to wave $400 bills anymore 😂😂 




I doubt you'll see this comment but I just wanted to say thank you for this. I was born in 1987 and now live in Japan since 2016. I was curious about what the place looked like the year I was born, so I decided to look up some videos on a whim, and without even paying attention to the description I recognised my neighbourhood, Ikebukuro, immediately - the place honestly hardly looks different at all! It kinda blew my mind to see those escalators to the underground part of Sunshine City since I use them every day and the entire setup and Tokyu Hands next door have barely changed at all (save for a lot more LCD advertising screens, lol). The shops and cafes are different (no more Dunkin Donuts in Japan) but aside from the 80s fashions it could have been taken yesterday for me. It was wonderful to watch. Thank you!




Tokyo in the 1980s, in the heat of the economic bubble--when money grew on trees and all you had to do was reach out and pick it.  




Look at the US today. Everyone wants things to return back to the 80s, not thinking that back in the 80s, all the 40-something’s wanted to go back to the 50s and were raving about how everything was better then. It’s really blind nostalgia. All the 40-something’s today were too young to remember all the problems of the 1980s, so they look back at the 80s like it was some kind of magical wonderland where everything was awesome, since that’s how they remember it.




なんだろう。とても不思議な感覚。 『ブレードランナー』を見たときと同じような感じです。 まるでその時代の街を散策しているような錯覚に陥りましたw  




now these young guys 50+. sad human life is short







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