미국 흑인 주검사의 자신감



경찰의 흑인 차량 불심검문 상황
(앞차를 세우고 갑작스레 차량운전자에게 신분증을 요구하는 경찰)
경찰관 : (신분증을 확인하고) 어디 소속이십니까?
흑인검사 : 플로리다 주 검사에요. 왜 내 차를 세웠죠?
경찰관 : 문제는 없습니다. 번호판을 조회했는데 아무것도 조회가 안됐습니다.
흑인검사 : 왜 조회했는데요?
경찰관 : 도난차량인지 항상 조회합니다. 썬팅도 짙었고.
흑인검사 : 명함 있어요?
경찰관 : (연락처를) 적어드릴 수 있습니다.


damn love the way she carries herself. Quiet understated confidence, with that hand gesture she gives


I LOVE the smirk she has right before she asks for cards when the officer is explaining her tint was a little dark, even though he admits he had no way to measure. That is right after he had just said that they run tags all the time for no reason. Then he thought about it for half a second and realized he better have "probable cause" for running the tag. So if they just run tags randomly all day long, how do they decide which random tag to run? Could it have anything to do with the color of the driver's skin?

95% of tags are ran with ALPRs which scans every single tag automatically. So they probably didn’t run her tag after seeing she was black.


The State Attorney released a statement to the media admitting that the mv stop was legal and consistent with Florida law


 The fact is those officers weren't at her mercy in any way, she had absolutely no authority there what so ever, she knew it, they knew it, that officer wasn't in any desperation, what he required of her was compliance which she did and politely at that. He required her I D which she submitted to him, after he examined her documents and found her to be legal he then freed her to depart. The crp violation was field cleared by the provisos of the Florida statute. The traffic stop was absolutely lawful in every detail and was concluded by the protocols and quickly then and there.


No in reality if she attempted the slightest administrative action, she'd answer to a professional bar review, and in addition to a state elected official review, the internal affairs' office and the union would look to any mis conduct and the district court would tie up the loose ends, she had no input or authority there whatsoever.,



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