챗GPT Product Description 프롬트


ChatGPT Prompts
Short form:
The product is _________.
Product Title:
Generate 5 different names.
Product description:
Write 4 separate 2 sentence descriptions, in 4 different tones - witty, luxury, persuasive, and emotional
Bullet points:
Create 4 short bullet points of the most important features without explanations.
Meta Targeting:
List 10 separate Meta detailed targeting interests, without explanations.
Long form:
Prompt 1:
The product is a ________.
Product Title: Generate 5 different titles - keep them short.
Create 5 different marketing angles.
Product headline:
Generate 5 different headlines using 5 different marketing angles - keep them short.
Product description:
Write a detailed product description using the AIDA copywriting format. Include bullet points of the top
5 benefits.
Meta targeting:
List 10 separate Meta detailed targeting interests, without explanations.
Prompt 2:
Write the 5 headlines and 1 product description using title #__ and marketing angle #__. Keep the
headline short and without the product title.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out in the discord server.
Written by @alex_gelfand | The Yard


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