Do Not React by 네딜 고다드
Do Not React
I was recently talking with u/allismind and I was asking him a question for a friend. The question was along the lines of “How do you remain in a State for long periods of time?”
Now, the answer I gave was “You do not react to the outside world.”
u/allismind answer was “Yes, but it needs to be done with the right understanding. Understanding that the outside world is just a shadow.”
These 2 answers are so important. They truly compliment each other in every way.
If you truly want to see a change in your life, you must be willing to ignore (not react to) everything your physical eyes are seeing and your ears are hearing.
If this sounds incredibly difficult chances are that you do not have a firm foundation on the understanding that this is all your own shadow and past thoughts.
You must understand that the undesirable world you are looking at, comes from your own doing. Do not be shamed to admit this and accept it. We all have created things we do not like, but if you keep thinking you are the victim of circumstance, you will forever fall pray to feeling powerless. Accept that this is your creation, your dream and you can change the dream.
Go back to the basics in understanding that you were merely in a State of Mind that produced this undesirable circumstance, and you can change to a New Desirable State.
The problem occurs when you want to assume a new State of Mind but you keep reacting to the outside. You will feel extremely conflicted inside. You will sometimes feel joy and excitement, and the next moment feel miserable and wanting to quit.
The solution truly lies in your reactions to the outside world. The less you react to the undesirable outside world and only react to the New State, you will quickly see results.
But you cannot persist easily if you do not understand that it is just a shadow of an old harvest. You planted these seeds in the past and now you are reaping them. Now, you plant new seeds, or should I say, you enter into an awareness of having what you want, persistent in this assumption and you will then reap this harvest.
Some people are able to remain in the State they want for 2 months because they did not react to the outside and then they are rewarded. We think of it as a reward, but it really is just their New State of Mind pushed out.
Not reacting the outside, understanding why you should not, and then persist in your New State is the style.
Revision becomes easier when you do not react, assuming New States become easier when you do not react, feeling desirable feelings becomes easier when you do not react, and not reacting becomes easier when you understand it is merely a shadow.
Consciousness is the only reality, change your consciousness and you change your outside world. Do not react and fight with what you want to change. As Neville says, this is like breaking the mirror hoping your face will change. Instead, appropriate a New State of Consciousness. Test this. Learn to not react and then assume a New State and see if it works. It will.
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What sentence? Just curious!
Oh... I didn’t even try to ‘Neville it’. Or maybe I did try because I hesitated to say it at first
‘I don’t have my wallet’ felt like a decree so I hesitated to say it.
I guess I really did hesitate.
But I had to do something !!! There was a large line of people behind me... so I did, matter of factly.
People around me began a look out and moments later it was found down the queue.
Guess that’s a good lesson to learn. I really hesitated like it was a curse. Almost superstitious!!! That is a sign. >>> I can be in this world but not of it??? That I can talk like a normal human being, act like a normal human being etc ALL while remaining in my divinity.
Really great comment Anun! Thank you!
So true. If you just tell someone not to react, it’s very very hard to implement. We are human, emotional creatures. In fact, I’d say it’s the rare person who can just hear that and do it. Even Neville, when he started couldn’t, and he had Abdullah yelling (metaphorically) at him.
That second part, what u/allismind said, that might be the key. That helps because you realize that the source of all this is within you.
That understanding helps because it brings it back to you. Not the outside.
There's a reality transurfing technique that you either don't react to negative things or you laugh at them which will diffuse any bad feelings or thoughts from arising.
I remember that. Something about breaking the script that you expect to happen
Very well said. I look at it this way, what I'm seeing/experiencing now is a result of the thoughts I had two weeks ago, or even a few hours ago. If I want to experience something different in the next two weeks (or hours, days) then I have to think new thoughts now. The more I practice this the faster I see things happen. I'm having to be especially careful now about my thoughts, I'm trying to choose them deliberately.
I’m glad this subject came up today! I do understand that when we react we are accepting the state and inviting more of it in. I’ve seen this happen with negative feelings and positive ones too. However (I apologize as I know the sp topic is tired) why is it when I react positively to receiving communication from someone specific or spending time with them I’m not receiving more of it? I have every reason to believe they would communicate with me and see me again. Really this can apply to many things even like receiving unexpected money. Why is it when I react to things like my engine light turning on, it happens again but when I react to someone spending the night and I re-enter the state I was in leading up to/during the last time it happened it isn’t happening?
I thought about this how my reactions have really changed since my mindset has changed.
My store got broken in to recently and really in the end after things fell back in to place I was really only ever out a few hundred dollars. This could have been a much worse situation but I knew that everything would work out.
So I had a situation at work this week where I know it was something from the past that I hadn’t dealt with, and although my body reacted to it (crying, upset) I also kept telling myself that it was my body reacting, not me, because I knew that this was just a part of it all working out for me, that sometimes you just have to ride it out, knowing it’s only the past and that you know it will pass and everything will work out the way you want. I think as long as we know it’s a delayed reaction/simply something from the past playing out, we should not be hard on ourselves if our body reacts, as long as we know it’s not our mind that is doing it. Think of it as part of the bridge of incidences that is happening to bring you your desire. If you react but know it’s just the past playing out, then you will be fine. It’s only when you react and continue to dwell in that feeling, thinking that everything is now ruined, that it all comes undone. Even Neville says react if you must, but don’t dwell there.
Love everything about this—thank you!
Curiously, it's been several days since I opened reddit. I've been avoiding it because many times the replies to my comments are angry or negative. Though there are some good ones too. As I'm opening the app waiting for it to load, I reminded myself not to react to such negativity, don't let it affect my day. Don't even react internally.
Then I see this post as literally the first post on my list! Hahahaha!
As always, expertly written!
How do you not react when you have a strong emotional attachment? Especially when you have to face it Everyday and can’t hide away from it
He said it. But teach yourself to notice that what’s happening now is shadows of old thought. They manifested from your past thinking. Now you changed it, so your inner thoughts now are your “reality”. That’s why he said understand that in order to change.
You can also think of ways to change your thought from an undesired to a desired without reacting (Edward has a post on desire vs undesired thoughts). Practice that each day even if it’s 30 minutes then an hour etc.
Be patient with yourself.
Mindfulness is a great starting ground. Non-judgemental awareness of the present moment. Make the mind like a padded cell, not allowing past thoughts and images to reverberate, by firmly planting your awareness in all the sensations that are happening (including the mind which sensations would be thoughts and mental images). So because we are conditioned to react emotionally and mentally to things they are still going to come up as we practice this. So we just observe the negetive thought and emotion as it arises without prodding or fueling the thought or emotion. And when we do that the negative reaction will fade quicker than if we were to continually ruminate. When you find yourself ruminating, feel your breathing, feel your feet on the ground, hear the sounds around you. Essentially get back into the present. Hope this helps, if you have any questions or if I didnt explain very well please ask.
Thank you so much 🙏🏽
Really goes to show the beauty in properly utilizing persistence and pattern
My wallet fell out from my bag at the store. Didn’t realize until I was at the cash.
I didn’t panic. I just said the sentence. Did not feel blood pressure drop or heart speed. I didn’t go narrow sighted.
I just said the sentence aloud and a lady soon piped up she saw it on the floor
The old man would felt panic and almost an electric bolt flash thru her body in fear.
I just glide through this ‘reality now’ unfazed, unharmed, unaffected and righteous!