Survey Templates

 How to use these templates
Here are a few guidelines you should follow in order to get the most actionable intelligence from your
This is a list of the platforms and tools you can use when creating your surveys:
Don’t create a single, all-encompassing survey. Define one specific goal, one specific thing that you want
to understand about your audience and customers, and design your survey with that goal in mind.
You will probably need several different surveys for each of your individual projects. Make sure you have a
clear vision of how you’re going to use the answers you will get from people.
If you want people to feel compelled and answer your survey, offering incentives can be helpful. Options
range from discounts to free ebooks, free 1-0-1 sessions, or any other valuable experience you can offer.
You don’t need to address your visitors in a weird way, just because you’re surveying them. Use the same
voice and tone that you use in your blog posts and content, and make sure you make them feel they’re a
part of something special.
Survey Platforms and Tools
2. Decide Upon a Goal
3. Offer incentives
4. Make it Personal and Conversational
Survey Monkey
Google Forms
Client Heartbeat [Paid Only]
Zoho Survey
Survey Gizmo
Survey Planet
Campaign Monitor GetFeedback
Checkbox Survey
WorldApp KeySurvey
Outside Software eSurveysPro
SurveyPlanet © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Your surveys shouldn’t have more than 20 questions, and you should make it easy for people to go
through the entire survey without getting bored or tired.
Use a platform that you’ve better for bugs. Make sure it’s mobile-friendly, a good percentage of your
visitors will be using mobile devices and they could complete your survey while waiting at the doctor’s
office or sitting on the subway.
Whenever writing your questions, or picking from our templates, ask yourself this: “What kind of action
will I take with the answer to this?” “What decision will it help me make?”
If the answer is “Nothing,” or you simply don’t know, just exclude that question from your Survey.
You will need to adapt the questions we’re providing in the templates below to the reality of your
For example, in our templates we’re asking visitors to rate several different sites. You will want to change
these links to websites that are relevant to your industry and to what you’re trying to understand about
your audience.
Make it Short
6. Make it as User-Friendly and Smooth as Possible
7. Create Actionable Questions
8. Adapt the Questions to Your Business and Context © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
2. What about the content did you like?
1. Please rate this content out of 5 stars (Multiple choice)
5. What would make our blog more valuable to you?
6. What is your favorite blog and why?
3. What about the content did you not like?
4. What other subjects would you like to read about?
8.How does [competitor] compare with [your product]?
7. Have you heard of xxx brand?
11. Tell us about the last time you used [type of software]
12. When you research a new product, what tools do you use?
9. Have you used [competitors] before? (Multiple choice)
10. Have you used [category] software before?
B. BRAND AWARENESS & COMPETITION QUESTIONS © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
13. Why did you come to [your product or website] today?
16. Was the task difficult?
14. What are you trying to accomplish on [your product or website] today?
17. Why were you not able to complete your task today?
15. Were you able to complete your task today?
18. How confident are you that you’ve completed this task?
19. Why did you choose not to make a purchase today?
20. Are your target customers individuals, companies or organizations, or a mix of both?
Multiple choice: Individuals; Companies or organizations; Mix of both;
21. How many customers does your company have currently?
22. How competitive is the market for your target customer?
Multiple choice: Extremely competitive; Very competitive; Somewhat competitive; Not so competitive;
Not at all competitive.
23. Does your product or service require a one-time payment or repeated payments?
Multiple choice: One-time payment; Repeated payments.
25. Is your product or service typically used by the same customer once or multiple times?
Multiple choice: Once; Multiple times.
24. What is the minimum number of times your target customer is likely to purchase your product
or service? © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
26. What are your biggest professional goals?
27. What are your biggest professional responsibilities?
28. What are your biggest personal goals?
29. How much time do you spend on [your product category]?
30. In a given week, how many hours do you spend working on tasks related to [your product
31. What is the hardest part of your day?
32. What is your position with the company? (Multiple choice)
33. How many years of experience do you have in your profession?
34. What is your profession?
35. How often do you use the internet?
36. What tasks take up the most time of your day?
37. What’s the hardest part about being [role, demographic, position, category]?
38. What is the most frustrating part of your profession?
39. If you could have any job you want, what would it be?
40. What is your favorite part about being a [their profession]?
CUSTOMER PROFILE QUESTIONS © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
41. What is your least favorite part about being a [their profession]?
42. What is your level of involvement with [product category] in your company?
43. How often do you access news from any of these media channels?
Multiple choice: Once a day or more; 4-6 days a week; 2-3 days a week; Once a week; Less than once or
never access
Media channels: Television, Internet, Newspaper, Radio, Podcasts, Mobile News Updates, RSS Feeds.
44. How do you access news online?
Multiple choice columns: Almost always; Most often; Sometimes but not often; Never/rarely
Multiple choice rows: Visit a dedicated new website (,, etc.); Search
through a news aggregator; Search trough a Search Engine; News section of general interest portals (MSN,
Yahoo, etc.).
45. What is the website that you usually go when you’re looking for information regarding [your
46. Why do you use this particular website?
47. How many times in a day do you visit the following websites? This includes through Newsletters,
RSS, Email, search.
Multiple choice columns: Once every day or more; 4-6 times a week; 2-3 times a week; Once a week;
Never visited; Have visited the site in the past.
Multiple choice rows: Give a list of websites that are relevant to your industry, and general news websites
from your country.
48. Rank the following categories in order of propensity to visit them.
Multiple choice dropdown: Rate 1 to 10.
Multiple choice rows: Finance; Sports; Business; Entertainment; Politics; General News; Travel;
Technology; International; Any other.
49. Have you bought anything online?
Multiple choice: Yes; No. © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
50. If “No”, then why?
Multiple choice: Due to lack of credit card; Lack of credibility of transactions online; Instant requirement
cannot be fulfilled; Better to buy durable items by experiencing them; Have not done it in the past, so
reluctant; Other _________.
51. What is the average time you spend on a particular news portal?
52. What is the type of news you are looking when you read news online?
Multiple choice: Regional; Local; National; International; All of them; Other.
53. What do you think is the best form of advertisement to catch your attention? rank them in order
of preference.
Multiple choice: Banners on Sites; Google Search Ads; Video Ads; Audio Ads; E-mail; Company Newsletters
54. How many times do you read about the product online before buying it?
Multiple choice: Always; Most often; Sometimes; Very Rarely; Never.
56. How often do you use the following types of software (Matrix style question)
55. Have you used xxx type of software?
59. Who takes care of [your product category – example: marketing] in your [office/home]?
57. What product do you wish you had but doesn’t exist?
58. Is it difficult to [problem]?
60. What is the most frustrating part of using [product or software category]?
64. How different would your job be if [process] was easier?
62. How important is [your product value] to you?
63. Tell us about the last time you used [product, process or software category] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
68. What does an ideal solution to [process] look like?
71. What might prevent you from using this product?
69. Would you ever use a product that did [your solution]?
65. Would improving [process] save you or your business money? How much?
72. How much would you be willing to pay for this product?
70. Would you start to use that product right away?
66. Would improving [process] save you or your business time? How much?
73. How much would you be willing to pay for this product?
67. What do you think could be done to help with [process]?
74. How disappointed would you be if [your product] went away overnight?
75. How many employees work at your company?
76. What is your gender? (Multiple choice)
77. What is your age group? (Multiple-choice ranges)
78. What is your income level? (Multiple-choice ranges)
79. What is your marital status? (Multiple-choice ranges)
SEGMENTATION & DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONS © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
80. What do you think of our product?
84. What would make you want to tell your friends about this product?
89. How would you describe [your product] in one or more words?
82. How likely are you to tell your friends about our product?
86. What might improve your experience with using this product?
91. If you wrote a review of [your product] how would you rate it out of 10?
81. Does our product solve your problem?
85. What’s most appealing to you about this product?
90. If [your product] was a car, what car would it be?
83. What could be done to improve our product?
88. What features do you wish we offered?
87. What motivation do you have to continue using this product?
92. Overall, how easy was [your product] to use?
94. What features could you not live without?
93. If you could change one thing about [your website or product] what would it be?
95. How upset would you be if [your product or website] was no longer around?


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