Link Building Outreach Templates

In this PDF file you will get the email templates that we use to help us build relationships with other website
owners and publishers, and ultimately get backlinks from them.
Each link building strategy will have its set of emails, so we divided this document accordingly:
Advertorial (paid guest posts)
Bloggers and Influencers who shared similar content
Broken link building
Build relationship first and then ask for link
Free Account giveaway
Guest posting
I linked to your website!
I want to be a guest on your podcast
Implemented their advice
Improving the design of their site
Influencer outreach
Request link inclusion on relevant post
Resource page
Roundup link inclusion request
Roundup posts © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Hey ,
[First Name]
My name is [YourName], I was wondering: do you accept sponsored posts on “ [Their Site
How much does is it cost to publish an article on your website? We will provide the
Some of our clients (midsize companies with circa 50 - 500 employees) are:
• [Client1]
• [Client2]
We as an agency are looking for a long term cooperation since we have many different
Looking forward hearing from you.
Kind regards,
[Your Name]
When you will use this: When trying to get your article published on a website while paying for it. © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
: [name of article they shared]
Hey [First Name],
I noticed that you tweeted one of my favorite [topic] posts, from [Author Name].
I actually have a [content asset name] that I am sending out next week that is very
comprehensive and provides actionable tips.
Want a heads up when it goes live?
[Your Name]
P.S.: Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
When you will use this: When you’re able to identify, by using BuzzSumo or similar tools, influencers who shared
on social media any pieces of content that are similar to one of your content pieces.
After sending the email, they’ll respond saying yes. And your response will be like this:
Here you go:
[Your Content Asset URL]
[Your Name]
EMAIL #2 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Subject: I think you are missing a link
Hey [First Name],
I noticed you are linking to a handful of [topic] sites and blogs, but you aren’t linking out
to [Your Site URL].
Have you seen it yet? It provides a ton of [Your Site’s Topic] value to anyone who is
looking to [What Your Content Does/Your Content’s Benefits].
Hope you’re having a lovely day! Keep up the good work, I really enjoy [Their Site Name].
[Your Name]
When you will use this: By using one of the methods in the course, you managed to find broken links at a
prospect’s website.
Subject: there’s something wrong with your site
[First Name], I was browsing your website and noticed you have a broken link. You can
find it on [URL of Page With Broken Link], and it’s the [insert anchor text of the broken
link] link.
As an avid reader of [Their Site Name], I love reading anything you write about, such as
[relevant article on their website], and anything you link out to. Sadly, I couldn’t find the
article you were trying to link to, but I did happen to find another good webpage on the
same topic: [insert url to webpage that you are building links to]. You should check it out,
and if you like it, you probably want to switch the links.
I know you are busy and probably get millions of emails a day, but I hope this one was
helpful. I just wanted to help you out for once as [Their Site Name] has changed my life.
[random persons name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Hey ,
[First Name]
I just want to let you know, I’m a huge fan of your work.
And I love your latest post [relevant post URL] .
It’s a great post. Keep up the great work.
And I look forward to read more informational blog post from you.
[Your Name]
When you will use this: If you’re taking your link building efforts as an ongoing part of your marketing, it’s better if
you build relationships first with other website owners, and only after having done that you should ask for a link.
Especially in Big Sites of your industry, like New York Times and other big media outlets, where this strategy is
more effective.
Hey [First Name],
I just saw you write about [Blog post topic name]. It’s awesome.
It’s actually very beneficial. But I’ve noticed that you’ve missed a few key points.
Have you ever thought about the [Write down the points you have in mind].
Readers like me or your other readers might find the points beneficial. I just wanna share
my thoughts, hopefully I didn’t offend you.
Your number one fan,
A few days later send another email to the contributor, writing this: © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
The chances are your target contributor gonna email back and say thank you. And they may use your suggestions
or not. It typically helps them become familiar with you.
After sending the second email wait a few days, and then send the third email saying this:
Hey [First Name],
I really love what you’re doing on the [Media Outlet Name]. And I want to follow in your
You’re a huge inspiration to me. And I think I can learn a lot from you.
And one day hopefully I can write content just as amazing as you. To pay you back, I want
to help you create an article for your audience.
An article on: [Write down the article topics you’ve plan to write]
I know you really busy, so if you can introduce me to the editor of [Media Outlet Name]
that would be great.
Hopefully I will be following in your footsteps one day
Your number one fan,
[Your Name]
EMAIL #3 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Hey ,
[First Name]
It’s [Your name] here from [Your Platform Name], and I wanted to drop you a line and just
compliment your site. Nice layout, good info, and I love your detailed guides. Especially
the one on “[Relevant Article]”. I’ve been in the [Niche/Market vertical] space for over
[Years] years now, and I have to say, you write some of the best content in the industry.
That being said, I also noticed you guys link out to recommended [Your Niche] providers.
I am the [Your role in the company] of a [Your Niche] company, [Your Company Name],
that provides [Your Platform UVP] to companies like [3 clients you serve]. We are trusted
by over [No. of companies] companies, and I wanted to see if you would be open to
including [Your Platform Name] in your recommended [Your Niche] list.
On a side note, I would love to hook you up with a FREE account that you can mess
around with and even use on your blog. I’ve actually taken the liberty of registering
you…You can go to [Your Platform URL] to login:
PASSWORD: QuickSprout
Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with [Your Platform Name].
Thanks for reading this email… I know you are busy.
[Your Name]
P.S. I hope it’s sunny in [Prospect’s Location], it’s rainy like crazy here in Seattle.
When you will use this: This tactic is suitable for SaaS companies or other platforms where users need to subscribe
to paid accounts in order to use it. © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
: A few content ideas?
Hi [First Name],
I have a few article ideas that I think would be perfect for you if you’re interested.
I didn’t mention it before, but I’m actually a [Your niche] blogger ( just on my personal
site). I previously wrote a really in-depth article on [topic] {put the link in here!}. I was
looking for a few great resources to link to in that article, but I couldn’t really find any, so
I just noted down the topics.
I was planning on writing about them myself because I think they’ll turn out great, but
it’s not exactly the kind of topic I usually write about on my site.
It just occured to me that you might be the perfect writer to use these ideas, so they’re
yours if you’d like to pitch them to any of your editors:
• [idea #1]
• [idea #2]
• [idea #3]
Let me know if you end up writing any—I’d love to read them.
[Your Name]
When you will use this: When you’re reaching out to relevant, authorative sites in your industry loking for guest
posting opportunities.
Subject: you should blog about [insert your guest blog post topic]
[First Name], as an avid reader of [their site name], I would love to read about [insert
guest blog post topic], and I think your other readers would as well.
Your content on [insert existing post from their website #1, insert existing post from their
website #2, and insert existing post from their website #3] is great, but I think you can tie
it all together by blogging on [insert guest blog post topic].
I know you are probably busy and won’t blog on it, so I’m going to make you an offer you
can’t refuse. How about I write it for you? Don’t worry, I’m a great blogger and have had
my posts featured on [insert previous guest post URL #1] and [insert previous guest post
URL #2].
Let me know if you are interested. I already know your blogging style, plus I understand
what your readers love… as I am one.
Look forward to hearing from you,
[Your Name]
Subject: Guest post for [Their Site Name]
Hey [First Name],
I just want to start by saying that I’m a huge fan of [their site name]. I’m reaching out to
you to offer up a unique and value-packed guest post for you.
I did some research on topics that have performed well for [their site name]. Here are
some ideas I had:
-Headline #1
-Headline #2
-Headline #3
You can check out some guest posts that I’ve already published at [Authority Site] and
(Authority Site).
Please let me know how that sounds.
[Your Name]
TEMPLATE #3 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved. © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this: When building a relationship with another website owner, you will want to build a few links
to their site before asking for anything. And this is how you will approach them:
Subject: Mentioned you
Hi [First Name],
I mentioned you in a guest post that I did on [Your Site Name]. If you’d like to check it
out, here’s the link: [Post URL].
Best regards,
[Your Name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this
: If you’re comfortable being interviewed on a podcast, you can get some solid links that
cost nothing other than your time.
Subject: [Name of podcast]
Hi [First Name],
I freaking love your podcast! I only discovered it yesterday and wish I did sooner. Not
sure why you guys aren’t ranked higher in iTunes.
Anyways, I left you a glowing 5 star review, so hopefully that will help you get a little
more exposure.
I actually gave podcasting a go before, and it was a blast, but decided to pursue other
business opportunities.
I’m not sure if you’re looking for guests for the show, but I’d love to come on for an
episode if you are.
I’m a [profession or business description]. For your show, I think we could have a great
discussion about [related topic]. In particular, we could talk about how I [past impressive
Keep up the great work!
Warm regards,
[Your Name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this
: An effective way to get the attention of other publishers is by implementing their advice.
For example, if someone posts a tutorial on how to get published on Forbes and you manage to successfully
implement their techniques, you can write about it and reach out and let them know about your achievements.
Subject: Loved your article about radical honesty - here’s my results after a week
Hey [First Name],
I’ve been following your blog for the past 3 years, so many great insights!
Your recent post about radical honesty really resonated with me. I followed it step by
step and I found it [Results you’ve got from implementing the advice] .
You can read my post about it here: [Post URL]
If you’re so inclined, I’d love for you to share it with your audience.
Thanks for sharing your can’t-find-anywhere-else tips with the community.
Warm regards,
[Your Name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this
: What you do is find sections of an .edu site that’s ugly or out of date. Because most
students groups lack the money and know-how to improve their section’s design and functionality, they generally
have a subdomain on the site that leaves a lot to be desired. These student groups are usually your best targets.
Hello [First Name],
I was browsing around the [site name] website today to look for candidates for a few
open positions my company had and came across your [topic] website.
As a former [profession name | college name] I’m always willing to lend a hand to student
organizations like yours.
I’d like to offer you a new “paint job” of the [site name] site, on the house.
Please let me know if this is something you’d be interested in.
[Your Name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this
: When using BuzzSumo or other tools you find social media influencers who are sharing
content that is relevant to your topic and they’re getting lots of engagement.
Hi [First Name],
My name is [Your Name].
I follow you on [Social Media Site] and noticed that you shared one of my favorite articles
[Article Title].
That is such a great post. And it’s a great blog.
I was hearing from my readers that they wanted something more in-depth about the
topic so I went ahead and created this post: [URL]
If you have time I’d love for you to check it out.
[Your Name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this: You have just created an infographic and you want to promote it.
Subject: [insert the name of your infographic] infographic
Hey [First Name],
I hope your [insert the day] is going well. I noticed your blog and thought you might
want to check out this infographic we just rolled out about [insert the topic of your
Check it out when you have a minute, and let me know what you think.
[insert URL]
The embed code is located under the infographic for an easy copy and paste ( just in case
you want to share it with your readers).
Thanks for taking a look! Hope it was of interest to you,
[Your Name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this: When you want to start building relationships with people who are publishing relevant
content in your industry.
Subject: Your article on [Media Outlet/Website] was superb
Hey [First Name],
I just wanted to let you know that your article on [Topic] was great. I loved it so much
that I had to tweet it out.
Keep up the great work!
[Your Name]
Hi [First Name],
My name is [Your Name].
I just wanted to let you know that I created a new post [URL] and linked to your post
[Their Post URL] as a source for the information.
Thanks for providing such a great resource. I’ve tried to build on the topic.
If you have time I’d love for you to check it out.
[Your Name]
TEMPLATE #2 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this: When you want people to write about your website, company, product launch or blog.
Subject: don’t you hate it when people pitch you story ideas [First Name]?
Well, I too have a PR pitch for you, but before you hit the spam button and move onto the
next email, just give me 37 seconds, or else you’ll regret this for life!
So, here it goes:
I’m launching [insert your website URL] on [insert date], and I wanted to see if you
wanted to cover it. Here are 2 reasons your readers would love it if you covered it:
Insert benefit #1
Insert benefit #2
I could keep on going with reasons on why you should blog about us, but I won’t bore
you with the details. If you’re interested, let me know, and we can set up a time to chat
when you’re free.
[Your Name] © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this: You have an article that is the perfect match to be featured on a post that addresses the
same topic.
Subject: [First Name], i think i’m in love with you
I hope I didn’t freak you out by my subject line, but I’m really in love with you. Don’t
worry, it’s not in a creepy way. What I mean is I’m in love with your website [insert their
website name].
You probably get tons of people everyday who are in love with [insert website name], so
I won’t bore you with my reasons. Instead, I thought I could show you some appreciation
by giving you some feedback on how you can improve your website.
Insert suggestion #1
Insert suggestion #2
And if you are wondering how you can repay your biggest fan, feel free to link to my
website [insert URL].
Ah… just kidding, you’ve already done enough for me by making [insert their website
name] so awesome!
[Your Name]
PS: If you do happen to link to my website [insert URL], it will seriously make my year!
Maybe even decade!
TEMPLATE #1 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Hey [First Name],
I was just reading your blog post on [insert the post title and link to it] and noticed that
you didn’t link to [insert your URL]. I’m not sure if you are familiar with it, but it can teach
your readers about [insert the value their readers will get].
I just thought I would mention it to you because you linked to [insert competitor URL],
but you forgot to mention [insert your URL].
Anyways, keep up the great work. I love your content.
Your fan,
[Your Name]
Hey [First Name],
I was searching for some articles about [your topic] today and came across this page:
I noticed that you linked to one of my favorite articles -- [Article title]
Just wanted to give you a heads up that I created a similar. It’s like [Article name], but
more thorough and up to date: [URL]
Might be worth a mention on your page.
Either way, keep up the awesome work!
[Your Name]
TEMPLATE #3 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this
: You found a Resources Page that includes many links to other websites, and you want to
try and include a link to your website amongst them.
Subject: Your resource page for [Topic]
Hi [First Name],
I came across your resource page on [Their Site Name] and learned about many new
great tools. In particular, I’ve already started using [Resource #1] and [Resource #2] from
your list.
So, thank you for that.
On top of that, I wanted to let you know about one more resource. Full disclosure: I
created it.
It’s called [Name and Link to the Resource] .
The reason it’s so special, and deserves to be alongside those other great resources, is
because [Give 1-2 sentence description of the best Feature] .
I just wanted you to be aware of it.
Thanks for your time!
[Your Name]
TEMPLATE #1 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Hello [First Name],
I was looking for some [topic] information today when I noticed that you have a list of
[topic] resources on the [site section/page] of [website URL].
The reason I’m emailing is to let you know that I run a [topic] related website. We provide
lots of [value you and information you provide] and more. All of our advice is based on
[experience you have, scientific data, etc], not fads.
It would be great if you would consider adding a link to my site on your resource page.
Either way have a great day and keep up the good work!
[Your Name]
TEMPLATE #2 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
When you will use this: All you have to do is find a bunch of experts in your field and email them asking one
question. You don’t want to ask them more than one question as it will drastically decrease your response rate.
Subject: Expert roundup on [Your Site Name]
Hi [First Name],
I saw your expert roundup on [topic] today, and I think it turned out really well [shared
on Twitter!/FB, etc].
If you’re planning to do any in the future, I’d love to be included.
I’m a [quick explanation why you’re an expert – include impressive metrics if possible].
Also, let me know if you need a bit of help promoting anything. I’m happy to share a
great piece of content.
[Your Name]
Hey [First Name],
I’d love to hear your opinion on [industry topic] for [your site]. I’m doing a roundup of
opinions on my site and I think people would love to hear what you think about [industry
Here’s the question: [Question]
Of course, I’ll include a link back to your site (with a photo).
[Your Name]
TEMPLATE #2 © Content Marketing Unlocked. All Rights Reserved.
Hey [expert name],
I just wanted to thank you for participating in the expert round-up on [insert the topic of
the round-up].
You can find the post at [insert url], and I’ve also included a link to your website.
Feel free to tweet it out and share it with your following.
Thanks for participating.
[Your Name]


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