Kajabi Tutorial 요약 - 이메일 마케팅/구글 광고/법률 상담/FB 광고 관련

 설득 전략


구글 광고



ChatGPT - Course Creation


이메일 마케팅/Pico


구독서비스 (뉴스레터)

- One thing my community manager suggested and we have implemented is a monthly “digest” email that includes the following: a short inspirational paragraph from me, some takeaways from that month’s masterclass, a highlighted conversation of the month from the community, three student wins to celebrate, and a preview of what new masterclass is dropping next month. We’ve found many members LOVE this, especially those who rarely log in but see all the emails we send.

 - This email is direct, sharing key benefits of the class, additional course bonuses, mentioning a payment plan option, and reminding people about the money-back guarantee. It opens with scarcity to get people ready to make moves, then comes in strong with benefits and risk reduction to make it easy to say yes.

- Your discount or bonus needs to expire to encourage people to take action. Your final ‘offer expiring’ email can drive up to 50% of your total sales from these promotions because as much as people love a good deal, they hate missing out even more. The final email in the sequence comes from Molly once more with the subject line: Ends Today: 5️⃣ Reasons to Join TMTP Digital.

- lead Magnet Strategy
1) Speed to Results - Communicate how quickly and/or easily the prospect can get a benefit or avoid a threat.

Your Guide to Baby-proofing Your Home in a Single Afternoon

2) Get Niche - Create something useful or interesting for a specific group of people.

The Apartment Dweller’s Guide to Baby-proofing Your Home

3) Remove Objections - This shows how to get a benefit or avoid a threat despite the fact that there is some challenge.

Your Guide to Baby-proofing Your Home On a Shoestring Budget


1. Self-interest - Direct and speak to a specific benefit your audience will gain by opening the email
        Your invitation-only event has begun
        Official notice: your refund is waiting (from Turbotax)
2. Curiosity - Pique the interest of subscribers without giving away too much information, leading to higher opens
        “Calling all lazy (smart) business owners
        RE: Details on your future order
3. Offer - Tell people when you are giving something away or selling something your subscribers would be interested in
        Who wants the last T&C ticket?
        62 lessons, 12 handouts, 7 modules, 1 killer certification
4. Urgency - These tell readers that they must act now or they’ll miss out. use sparingly and only when there is truly a deadline, limited quantity, or limited availability.
        Your free book is on hold (order ASAP - expires soon)
        Your 75% off is almost gone...
5. Humanity - Remind your list about the person or people behind your products.
        It’s my birthday (and I have a gift for you)
        We screwed up...
6. Proof - Appeal to people’s innate desire to see what others are doing (and keep up). Mention individual success stories, familiar names, or highlight how many people are already using a product or service.
        Their ugly funnel generated $300k in revenue
        [INTERVIEW] He's doing 60k/day on Fb now with this strat...
Immutable Law 6 - When in Doubt, Follow the Perfect 4-Link Formula

- Ideal Newletter Flow

There is an ideal way to structure the links in your email to maximize the likelihood that someone clicks. Now, don’t go so far as to sacrifice readability or storytelling to make this work, but when you are looking to create an email optimized around the next step, this is an invaluable strategy. Let’s walk through why these are designed this way.

Link 1 - Early in the email, we include a link for people who are already interested in the topic and ready to take action whether that’s to go buy our product or to really dive in and learn more about it. An early link ensures that your engaged audience doesn’t have to dig around to get what they want.

Link 2 - For our next hyperlink, it’s good to follow with a visual. This helps break up the email body and catches the eye before fully in view, encouraging your prospect to scroll further down. You can use a photograph, a gif, a custom image, or a web screenshot here, whatever suits your email best.

Link 3 - Then we want to make a logical appeal. If someone has made it this far in the email they’re interested in what you have to say even if they haven’t taken action yet. Lean on the benefits of buying the product, reading the content, or taking whatever action you want them to and how it will improve their life or has improved others.

Link 4 - Finally, a little dash of scarcity at the end can tip people over the edge when their inertia has kept them from going forward. Again, there’s clearly interest when your prospect has gotten to the bottom of the email. Help them break through with well-placed ‘don’t wait,’ or ‘do this now.’

- Chart
I used a tool called LucidChart but something like this is even possible in a slide presentation tool like Google Slides or Microsoft Powerpoint.

- Monthly/yearly plan 고려: 비싼 상품일수록 chargeback 염두해서 후자 고려

- Membership Scarcity 전략: I have found that the best way to grow your membership site and keep engagement high is to not simply set a price and leave it open all the time. Instead, you need to have a step-up strategy.

The Step-Up Strategy:

    Open and close 2-4 times per year
    Launch at a reduced price for “Founders”
    Eventually, increase to normal price

EXAMPLE: I launched my membership Graham’s Six Figure Coaching Community a few years ago at $47 a month. I called it my Early Bird Founders Rate. If people joined at that price and never canceled that would be their price for life. And I TOLD them this during the launch. The second time I opened the membership I raised the price to $67 a month and called it my Founders Rate. Finally, I’ve settled into the full price of $97 a month.

This works well because it incentives people to join a new community, which helps you get people inside to start conversations. Considering most people lurk in communities and don’t post, the more members you have the more engagement you’ll see in the community, which is critical to members feeling that they are a part of something active and exciting.

Just decide on your ideal final price and discount the initial launch.



키워드 클러스터


헤드라인 작성

법률 조언

Singh 인디안 애




FB 광고

- 최소 하루 50불 budget

- 3~5개의 ad sets

- 3백만-1천만 기준 (FB직원은 200-300만 target audience 추천)

- CTR/CPC로 각각 ad와 target 성과 측정

- Facebook Messenger marketing has 10-80 times better engagement than email. Facebook Messenger marketing has 10-80x better engagement than organic posts on the Facebook News Feed. Messaging apps now how more users than social networks. With that said, we’re a huge fan of using Facebook Messenger for monetization.


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