한 때 세계 최고 재벌이었던 빅터 로스차일드의 아들 암셸 로스차일드가 1996년에 자살하고, 데이비드 록펠러의 아들 리처드 록펠러가 2014년 비행기 추락사고로 허망하게 죽은 것을 보면, 인생에서 돈보다 더 중요한 가치는 명확하다: 그것은 바로 '참나'의 탐구다; 내가 왜 이 세상에 왔고, 어디로 가야하는지 탐구하는 것, 그것이 철학의 본질이자 인생의 가장 중요한 과제이다


법상 스님 이야기 중에

돈 아무리 많이 가져서 뭐하냐고,

그 많은 돈이 있어봤자 당장 내일 사고로 죽거나 병에 걸리면 말짱 도루묵 아니냐고,

그러니까 '나'의 본성을 찾는 불교 공부가 진짜 중요한 공부라고 했던

기억이 난다.

맞는 말이긴 하다.






In July 1996, Amschel Rothschild died by suicide at the Hôtel Le Bristol Paris. The coroner said there were no sinister circumstances about his death. His wife attributed the suicide to untreated depression, partly over the recent death of his widowed mother.[5]






Rockefeller, an experienced pilot, was flying home after visiting his father at the Rockefeller family estate in Pocantico Hills, a hamlet in the town of Mount Pleasant, New York. The family patriarch, his father, David Rockefeller, had celebrated his 99th birthday on June 12, 2014.[5]

Rockefeller took off from Westchester County Airport in a Piper Meridian single-engine turboprop at 8:08 a.m. on June 13, 2014, departing from runway 16 in dense fog and steady rain. Less than 10 minutes later, the Federal Aviation Administration notified airport officials it had lost contact with the pilot. At 8:23 a.m. local police in the town of Harrison, New York, reported Rockefeller's plane crashed less than a mile from the airport in the town of Harrison. Rockefeller, the pilot, was the only person on the private plane.[7][8][9]

The cause of the crash was attributed to the pilot's failure to maintain a positive climb rate after takeoff due to spatial disorientation (somatogravic illusion).[10]

Rockefeller was the only one of the six siblings to have died during his father's lifetime. Through him, he was also a nephew of the late U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller


데이비드 록펠러 사망 3년 전, 아버지의 99세 생일을 축하하기 위해 가다가 벌어진 일.




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