The Power of Subscription Business by Jason Lee

  I wanna share this insane success story:

So a few weeks ago I found a guy named Brett Williams.

Brett Williams is a graphic designer who now does $120,000 in monthly recurring revenue from his one-man design agency.

Keyword: ONE-man

He’s got no employees, and what’s crazy is that he built his website DesignJoy for only $29.

So what’s the genius idea?

He took a standard graphic design service and turned into a subscription-based business, with defined parameters and pricing.

Think of it like Netflix.

So you pay a subscription fee, but instead of unlimited movies, you get to make unlimited graphic design requests.

The caveat: You can only make one design request at a time.

And the result?

He had no more tedious back-and-forths with clients.

He had no more client proposals.

He had no more pricing negotiations.

and $120,000 in recurring monthly income.

This allowed him to focus on delivering value for his customers and generating more revenue for himself.

Which is f*ing brilliant!

And the key to the business is this:

Even if the client doesn’t even have consistent work for the entire month, Brett allows them to pause and unpause the subscription as many times they want.

So to put this into perspective.

The average salary for a graphic designer is $50,000 / year. He could've just worked full time and earn that figure for the rest of his life 

But Brett turned an unlikely service into a subscription model and makes $1.3M a year.

And at $1.3M / year in revenue, he’s STILL the only employee at DesignJoy.

The secret: Once the orders starts coming in, he outsources the work to his contractors.

The cool thing about this idea is that you can apply it to almost everything.

A video editing service as a subscription.

A podcast editing service as a subscription.

A copywriting service as a subscription.

A website design service as a subscription.

So there you have it. I hope this story can trigger some ideas in your mind.




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