아이비리그 대학 졸업 뒤 은행원이 되라는 아버지의 조언을 따르지 않고, 칼텍에 입학하여 과학자로서의 길을 걷게 되어 역사에 이름을 남길 수 있었던 John C. Lilly의 사례

Despite his father's wish that he go to an eastern Ivy League university to become a banker, Lilly received a scholarship at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, where he studied biology. He was the president of the ski club and a member of the drama club, and lived in Blacker House.[5] After his first year, Caltech learned that Lilly was from a wealthy family and cancelled his scholarship, forcing him to go to his father for help. Dick Lilly set up a trust fund to pay the tuition and eventually became a benefactor of the college. Lilly continued to draw on his family wealth to fund his scientific pursuits throughout his life.


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