미 정부, 인간 아닌 생명체 보관... UFO 회수해 역설계했다... 수십 년 숨겨 (feat. David Grusch UFO whistleblower claims)

1947년의 로즈웰 사건 이후 항상 존재했던 UFO 떡밥을 이제와서 갑자기 공론화하는 미국 정부, 나아가 록펠러 가문의 의도는 무엇인가?


해체주의적으로 생각했을 때, UFO의 존재 여부만큼 중요한 화두는 왜 미국의 지배층들이 이 문제를 작년부터 공론화시키느냐 하는 것이다. 이 문제가 단순히 몇몇 내부폭로자들에 의해서 공론화되었다고 생각한다면 당신은 멍청한 것이다. 실은 미국 정부의 주도 및 전세계 매스컴의 협조 하에 공론화가 되고 있는 것이다.

아로는 그들의 의도가 궁금하다.

Doesn't it seem weird to you that these are the most straightforward witnesses that we have seen in a congressional Hearing in a long time on a subject that has been denied repeatedly for numerous decades?


Of course they're covering up extraterrestrial contact. The question everybody should be asking is why are they bringing it up now? Do you think they're trying to cover something else up




"Do you believe..." Wrong question. The right question should be: "Do you have concrete evidence?" Or as Carl Sagan said: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."





만약 저 너머 밖에 진실이 있다면 미 의회는 알고자 한다.

지난 26일(현지시간) 미 연방하원은 흔히 ‘UFO(미확인비행물체)’로 더 잘 알려진 ‘UAP(미확인비행현상)’에 대한 기념비적인 위원회를 소집했다.

이는 정부 최고위층 단계에서 UFO 관련 의문스러운 목격담에 대해 정밀 조사 및 청문회를 진행할 가치가 있음을 가장 진지하게 인정한 사건이다.

공화당 소속 팀 버쳇 하원의원은 위원회 청문회 서두에서 우리 의원들은 “작은 녹색 인간들을 데리고 오려는 것도, 청문회장에서 비행접시를 날리려는 것도 아니”라고 했으나, 청문회 도중 증언은 때때로 미지의 세계로 빗나가는 모습이었다.

  • 기자,카일라 엡스타인
  • 기자,BBC News

총 2시간에 걸쳐 이어진 청문회에선 증인 3명이 나와 기존 물리학을 거스르는 물체들과 조우했던 경험을 털어놨다.

이들은 공군 조종사들이 이에 대해 목소리를 내기 어려워하며, 내부 고발자들은 보복당하곤 한다고 주장했다. 아울러 비행물체에서 회수된 생물학적 물질에 대해서도 언급했다.

그러면서 이들 증인 모두 이러한 이상 현상이 잠재적으로 국가 안보에 위협이 될 수 있음을 인정했다.

한편 이번 청문회에선 폭탄 발언이라고 할 만한 중대 발언도, 외계인의 존재를 입증하는 확실한 증거도 나오지 않았으나, 의회가 증인들을 불러 청문회를 열었다는 사실만으로도 주목할만하다.

자리에 참석한 의원들과 증인 모두 UAP와 관련해 군이 더 투명한 태도를 취해야 한다고 요구했다.

'나는 여전히 믿고 싶다'는 문구와 UFO가 그려진 뱃지


사진 설명,

미 정부는 점점 더 UFO 관련 사항을 정책적 문제로 받아들이고 있다

이번 청문회에서 증인으로 나선 전직 미 해군 사령관 데이비드 프레이버는 2004년 “틱택(미국의 민트맛 사탕으로, 흰색 알약 모양이다)” 같이 생긴 UAP가 조종사들이 알 수 없는 방식으로 움직였다는 목격담을 다시 한번 언급했다.

해당 장면을 담은 영상은 이후 2017년 공개됐으며, 2년 뒤 미 해군이 이에 대해 공개적으로 발언한 바 있다.

프레이버는 “우리(조종사들)가 당시 조우했던 그 비행체는 현재 오늘날 우리가 지닌 기술보다 훨씬 뛰어났다”면서 “향후 10년간 개발될 예정인 그 어느 비행체보다 훨씬 뛰어났다”고 덧붙였다.

전직 미 공군 소속 군사정보 담당자인 데이비드 그러쉬 또한 증인으로 나서 정부 당국이 이러한 정보를 억압하고 내부 고발자들을 처벌했다는 식의 발언을 했다.

그러면서도 기밀보호법으로 인해 더 이상 이에 대해 더 자세히 설명할 수 없다고 주장했다.

‘인간인가 아니면 인간이 아닌 존재인가’

한편 공화당 소속 낸시 메이스 사우스캐롤라이나주 하원의원은 청문회 도중 증인 그러쉬에게 지구의 것이 아닌 시신에 대해 알고 있는 바를 자세히 설명해달라고 요청했다.

메이스 의원은 정부가 회수한 UAP에서 “생물학적인 존재”가 있었는지 물었다.

이에 대해 그러쉬는 자신이 이전에 했던 언론 인터뷰 내용을 언급하며 “(추락한 UAP의) 잔해와 함께 생물학적 존재가 회수된 바 있다”고 답했다.

이후 메이스 의원이 이 생물학적 존재가 인간이었는지, 아니면 인간이 아닌 존재였는지 묻자, 그러쉬는 ‘인간이 아닌 존재였다. 그리고 이는 직접적인 지식을 가진 사람들에 의해 이뤄진 평가였다”고 답했다.

또 다른 질의응답에서도 그러쉬는 자신이 외계인의 시신을 개인적으로 본 적은 없다고 밝혔다.

한편 증인들은 군인이나 일반 시민들이 설명하기 힘든 일을 목격한 후 이를 보고할 수 있는 공식적인 신고 경로가 마련돼야 한다고 요구했다.

미 해군 전투기 조종사 출신으로 증인으로 나선 라이언 그레이브스는 “조종사들이 일자리를 잃지 않고 (UAP 목격을) 보고할 수 있는 시스템이 필요하다”고 강조했다. 그레이브스는 조종사들의 UAP 보고 활동 지원 단체인 ‘ASA’을 설립해 활동 중이다.

데이비드 프레이버(왼쪽), 라이언 그레이브스, 데이비드 그러쉬(오른쪽)


사진 설명,

데이비드 프레이버(왼쪽), 라이언 그레이브스, 데이비드 그러쉬(오른쪽). 이들은 26일 미 하원 청문회에 증인으로 참석했다

한편 이러한 요구에 대해 의회 또한 이번 회기 종료 전까지 승인하려는 용의가 있는 듯했다.

민주당 소속의 로버트 가르시아 캘리포니아주 하원의원은 “UAP의 정체가 무엇이든 간에 우리 군과 민간 항공기에 심각한 위협이 될 수 있다”면서 “그렇기에 UAP에 대한 신고를 줄일 게 아니라 더 장려해야 한다. 우리가 이해하는 바가 많아질수록 더 안전해질 수 있다”고 주장했다.

‘외계인의 무능함’

이렇듯 공화당과 민주당 모두 이번 주제에 대해 진지하게 고민했으나, 일부 소수 의원은 외계인 및 관련설에 대해 회의적인 입장을 보이기도 했다.

일례로 공화당 소속 에릭 벌리슨 미주리주 하원의원은 조종사들이 외계 물체를 봤다는 주장의 허점을 찾고자 시도했다.

벌리슨 의원은 지구에 오기까지 수십억 마일을 비행할 수 있는 존재들이 지구에 추락할 만큼 “무능하다”는 건 믿기 어렵다고 주장했다.

그러면서 UAP가 사실 군사 관련 항공기일 가능성, 혹은 외국 정부 기관이 숨겼던 비밀 기관 프로그램의 일부일 수도 있는 가능성도 있는 건 아닌지 물었다.

한편 소수의 음모론자 혹은 UFO 팬들이 은밀히 얘기하던 내용으로 치부되던 상황에서 오늘날 여느 국가 안보 문제처럼 하원 청문회의 진지한 주제로 다뤄지기까지 UFO 문제에 대한 미 정부의 태도는 UFO의 속도처럼 빠르게 변하고 있다.

이제 미 정부는 이를 정책적 문제로 점차 받아들이고 있으며, 이번 청문회는 TV에 방영되기까지 했다.

시간은 지난 2017년으로 거슬러 올라간다. 당시 미 ‘뉴욕타임스’가 미 국방부가 UAP 조사를 위한 비밀 프로그램을 운영하고 있다는 사실을 공개하며 이와 관련한 문제가 불거지게 된 것이다.

그리고 당시 해당 프로그램을 지원하던 인물 중엔 네바다주 상원의원이었던 해리 리드 전 원내대표가 있었다. 네바다주는 ‘51구역’이 자리한 곳이다.

아울러 미국의 UFO 관련 민간 과학 연구소 ‘TTSA’ 뿐만 아니라 뉴욕타임스 또한 UAP와의 설명할 수 없는 조우를 보여주는 영상 3개를 공개했다.

그 뒤부터 미군 또한 비록 이러한 UAP의 기원에 대한 추측은 거절하면서도 이러한 조우가 있었다는 사실은 인정하고 있다.

현재 UAP 즉 ‘UFO’로 알려진 물체에 대한 조사는 미 의회에서 초당적인 이슈가 됐다. 민주당과 공화당 의원 모두 이와 관련된 조사의 필요성에 공감하며 군에 투명한 자세를 보여달라고 요구하고 있다.

지난해 미 ‘정보위원회’는 비밀스러운 국방부 프로그램에 대한 청문회를 개최했으며, 미 ‘항공우주국(NASA)’은 지난달 초 UFO 실체 규명을 위한 공개회의를 주최하기도 했다.

대통령 또한 마찬가지다. 민주당 출신이었던 버락 오바마 전 대통령과 공화당 출신의 도널드 트럼프 전 대통령 모두 공개 인터뷰에서 이에 대한 언급을 한 바 있다.

존 커비 현 백악관 국가안보회의(NSC) 전략소통조정관 또한 이와 관련해 열린 마음이라고 발언하기도 했다. 그러면서 “해군과 공군 조종사들이 언급하고 보고한 내용 중 미확인비행현상(UAP)이 있다. (그러나) 이러한 현상이 무엇인지에 대한 답은 갖고 있지 않다”고 설명했다.

예외적으로 TV로 중계된 이번 26일 자 청문회에서도 의원들은 당면한 주제에 대한 질의에 집중하는 모습이었다.

민주당 소속 재러드 모스코위츠 플로리다주 하원의원은 “많은 미국인들이 이 문제에 매우 관심이 있다”면서 “(다만) 인간이 아닌 존재의 기원 가능성이 우리를 하나로 모으는 힘이 돼선 안 된다”고 덧붙였다.








Former Department Of Defense Officer David Grusch: Government Is In Possession Of UAPs







In June 2023, United States Air Force (USAF) officer and former intelligence official David Grusch publicly claimed that unnamed officials told him that the U.S. federal government maintains a highly secretive UFO recovery program and is in possession of "non-human" spacecraft and "dead pilots". In 2022, Grusch filed a whistleblower complaint with the U.S. Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) to support his plan to share classified information with the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He also filed a complaint alleging retaliation by his superiors over a similar complaint he made in 2021.

Grusch asserts individuals with whom he conversed shared the concern that American citizens have been killed as part of the government's efforts to cover up the information. In response to his June 2023 claims, both the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) issued statements saying respectively that no evidence has been found for extraterrestrial life and that there is no verifiable information about the possession and reverse engineering of any extraterrestrial materials.

During a congressional hearing on July 26, 2023 under the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Grusch repeated his claims under oath, alongside testimony on UAP-related experiences of U.S. fighter pilots Ryan Graves and David Fravor.[1] Grusch testified that he could not elaborate publicly on some aspects of his claims, but offered to provide further details to representatives in a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF).


Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,[2] Grusch was a decorated combat officer within the USAF during the War in Afghanistan and is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).[3] From 2019 to 2021, he was the representative of the NRO to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.[4] From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the co-lead for UAP analysis at the NGA and its representative to the task force.[4] He assisted in drafting the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023,[5] which includes provisions for reporting of UFOs, including whistleblower protections and exemptions to non-disclosure orders and agreements.[6][7][8] Congressional interest in UFO sightings immediately prior to Grusch's public claims surrounded questions about the four objects that the Air Force shot down in February 2023.[9]

Grusch's public claims

During the July 26, 2023 Congressional hearing, Grusch said that he "was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access"[10] and that he believes that the U.S. government is in possession of UAP based on his interviews with 40 witnesses over four years.[11] When asked by U.S. Representative Tim Burchett during this July 26 hearing, if Grusch had "personal knowledge of people who've been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal" the government's possession of "extraterrestrial technology," Grusch said yes but that he was not able to provide details except within a SCIF.[12]

Australian investigative journalist and author Ross Coulthart conducted the interview with Grusch released by NewsNation in June 2023.

On June 5, 2023, independent journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal provided a story detailing Grusch's claims of a UFO coverup by the government to The Debrief, a website that describes itself as "self-funded" and specializing in "frontier science".[13] The New York Times, Politico and The Washington Post had all declined to publish the story.[14] According to Kean, she vetted Grusch by interviewing Karl Nell, a retired Army colonel who was also on the UFO task force, and "Jonathan Grey" (a pseudonym) whom Kean described as "a current U.S. intelligence official at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC)".[15] Kean wrote that Nell called Grusch "beyond reproach" and that both Nell and "Grey" supported Grusch's claim about a secret UFO retrieval and reverse engineering program.[16][17] Also on June 5, portions of an interview of Grusch by Ross Coulthart aired on NewsNation with additional excerpts appearing on June 11.[2]

Sean Kirkpatrick is the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office tasked with investigating and reporting to Congress on UAPs.

Grusch claims that the U.S. federal government maintains a highly secretive UFO retrieval program and possesses multiple spacecraft of non-human origin as well as corpses of deceased pilots.[18][19][20][21] Grusch also claims there is "substantive evidence that white-collar crime" took place to conceal UFO programs and that he had interviewed officials who said that people had been killed to conceal the programs.[22] Grusch stated that he tried to get the director of AARO to help him share his claims with Congress, "I expressed some concerns to Dr. Kirkpatrick about a year ago, and told him what I was starting to uncover. And he didn't follow up with me."[23]

Grusch elaborated on his claims in a subsequent interview with the French newspaper Le Parisien on June 7. He said that UFOs could be coming from extra dimensions; that he had spoken with intelligence officials whom the U.S. military had briefed on "football-field" sized crafts; that the U.S. government transferred some crashed UFOs to a defense contractor; and that there was "malevolent activity" by UFOs.[22]

Response from relevant experts

Joshua Semeter of NASA's UAP independent study team and professor of electrical and computer engineering with Boston University's College of Engineering concludes that "without data or material evidence, we are at an impasse on evaluating these claims" and that, "in the long history of claims of extraterrestrial visitors, it is this level of specificity that always seems to be missing".[24][25] Adam Frank, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester, published a critique of the Grusch claims on June 22 with Big Think. Frank writes that he does "not find these claims exciting at all" because they are all "just hearsay" where "a guy says he knows a guy who knows another guy who heard from a guy that the government has alien spaceships".[26]

The Guardian printed an opinion piece by Stuart Clark about Grusch's claims which included questions from three scientists. Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb, who co-founded the UFO-investigating Galileo Project, noted that nothing extraterrestrial has been observed. Radio astronomer Michael Garrett noted that crashed landings of alien craft "would imply that there must be hundreds of them coming every day, and astronomers simply don't see them". Sara Russell, a planetary scientist from the Natural History Museum in London, said that, "if you give me an alloy, it would take me less than half an hour to tell you what elements are in it", and that "it should be easy to understand whether something falling to Earth is man-made or extraterrestrial, and if it is the latter, whether it is naturally occurring or not".[27]

Greg Eghigian, a history professor at Pennsylvania State University and expert in the history of UFOs as it occurs in the context of public fascination,[28] notes that there have been many instances over recent decades in the U.S. of people "who previously worked in some kind of federal department" coming forward to make "bombshell allegations" about the truth regarding UFOs with the whistleblower claims by Grusch fitting this pattern.[29] Eghigian described the 1940s-50s media enthusiasm about flying saucers, and comments that the successful books on the subject by authors Donald Keyhoe, Frank Scully and Gerald Heard, "provided the model for a new kind of public figure: the crusading whistleblower dedicated to breaking the silence over the alien origins of unidentified flying objects."[30] Since then all these similarly credentialed claimants have been unable to provide any further corroboration.[30] Eghigian noted the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office denied all of the claims made by Grusch and he questioned the veracity of Grusch's claims. According to The Guardian:

Eghigian is also skeptical about the veracity of these claims because it looks like Grusch followed Pentagon protocol in publishing this information, meaning that the Department of Defence approved the information he would pass on to the press, which is something the department only does if the information is not classified. If Grusch is telling the truth, surely this information would be classified, Eghigian says, and the department would not have allowed him to go on the record.[29]

United States government responses

Department of Defense and NASA statements

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre referred questions about Grusch's complaint to the DoD.[31] In a statement, it said: "To date, AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of any extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently. AARO is committed to following the data and its investigation wherever it leads."[14]

NASA stated: "One of NASA's key priorities is the search for life elsewhere in the universe, but so far, NASA has not found any credible evidence of extraterrestrial life and there is no evidence that UAPs are extraterrestrial. However, NASA is exploring the solar system and beyond to help us answer fundamental questions, including whether we are alone in the universe."[32]

Congressional plans and comments from members

In response to Grusch's claims, Representative Mike Turner, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said, "every decade there's been individuals who've said the United States has such pieces of unidentified flying objects that are from outer space" and that "there's no evidence of this and certainly it would be quite a conspiracy for this to be maintained, especially at this level".[33] Representatives Anna Paulina Luna and Tim Burchett were tasked with organizing a hearing in response to the Grusch claims on behalf of the House Oversight Committee. This took place on July 26, 2023.[34][35][36][9][33]

Senator Lindsey Graham found the claims unreasonable, saying, "If we'd really found this stuff, there's no way you could keep it from coming out".[37] Senator Josh Hawley said, "I'm not surprised, necessarily, by these latest allegations, because it sounds pretty close to what they kind of grudgingly admitted to us in the briefing".[9][37] Some senators, though not concerned about Grusch's specific claims, were concerned that Congress might not have been briefed on special access programs.[9] Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who led a Senate hearing on UFOs in April 2023, said she intends to hold a hearing to assess whether "rogue SAP programs" existed "that no one is providing oversight for".[9] Senator Marco Rubio, vice-chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said, "there are people who have come forward to share information with our committee over the last couple of years" with "first-hand knowledge" and that they were "potentially some of the same people perhaps" referred to by Grusch.[38][39]

2023 House Committee Oversight and Accountability Hearing

On July 26, 2023, Grusch testified before the United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, regarding his experiences and claims. House Representatives present included Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna.[40]

He did so alongside retired U.S. fighter pilots Ryan Graves and David Fravor. Fravor gave a first-hand account of his involvement in a 2004 incident released in the Pentagon UFO videos involving his fighter jet and a UFO, and Grusch repeated his previous claims under questioning from house representatives.[41]

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked the three witnesses, "If you were me, where would you look?" regarding answers to UAP questions and evidence to validate his claims. Grusch replied, "I'd be happy to give you that in a closed environment. I can tell you specifically."[1]

Media reporting on Grusch's claims

Response from media pundits

Andrew Prokop, a political news correspondent with Vox, wrote on June 10 that "skeptics question whether Grusch is just repeating tall tales that have long circulated through the UFO-believing community, suggesting he may be just a gullible sap (if not an outright fabulist). They also point out that mainstream media sources have so far remained wary of Grusch – The New York Times, Washington Post, and Politico were all offered his story but none thought it was publishable. The Debrief, which published it, is a notably UFO-friendly outlet, as are Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, the two journalists who wrote the story. And purported bombshells like this in the past have tended to fizzle out".[42] Sean Thomas expressed confusion in his opinion piece for The Spectator on June 24 that, preceding Grusch, there have been others trying to convince officials and the public that UFOs are worthy of serious considerations including some who themselves were high-ranking U.S. officials.[43] The New York Times columnist Ross Douthat noted in a June 10 opinion piece that one interpretation of the flap is that parts of the U.S. government see benefit in promoting belief in UFOs, noting similarities between Grusch's claims and the claims of Garry Nolan, Stanford pathology professor and longtime proponent of the UFO extraterrestrial hypothesis, among others.[44] (According to Leslie Kean, Nolan knows and respects Grusch.[15]) On June 12, Matt Stieb, writing for New York, described Grusch's claims in Coulthart's interview as "crazy".[22]

Ezra Klein, a columnist with The New York Times, posted a podcast interview with Kean on June 20, 2023 noting that "the main reactions" to her recent story about Grusch "have been to either embrace it as definitive truth or dismiss it out of hand."[15] Klein asked a series of skeptical questions and got some acknowledgment from Kean that aspects of the allegations by Grusch do not make sense.[15]

Disinformation campaign allegations

Accusations of an intentional UFO disinformation campaign have been a feature of the coverage of this story. Grusch said intentional disinformation was being pushed by the US government to cast doubt on the veracity of "non-human" (or alien) claims such as his.[18][45] Adam Gabbatt of The Guardian described Grusch's position as "a common conspiracy trope in the UFO community".[21] Others have suggested a different sort of intentional campaign that fed Grusch disinformation about aliens to encourage the public to believe in the extraordinary claim of aliens and crashed ships for ulterior motives.[44][46] Gareth Nicholson, editor for the South China Morning Post, explored some of the military and technological reasons for the purported existence of such a campaign, "the current UAP flap could be an attempt by the US military to engage in a disinformation campaign to disguise real aerospace breakthroughs or an attempt to flush out advanced technologies held by rivals such as Russia and China".[47]

Media coverage, commentary, and interviews

Surrounding the June 11 release of more Coulthart interview content, NewsNation included multiple voices. Skeptical investigator Mick West was included on June 8 and 11 interviews[48] and said, "I don't think what [Grusch is] saying is accurate" and that, while "it's possible he's believing what he's saying, it's an incredible story that really needs some actual verification".[49] Author Michael Shellenberger stated to NewsNation on June 11 that he remained skeptical of Grusch's claims but he had heard similar things to what Grusch was alleging from overlapping sources.[50]

Interviewed by The Guardian on June 6 and 8, British journalist Nick Pope, who has made a career of investigating UFOs, expressed hope that confirmation or disconfirmation of Grusch's claims would be quick in coming.[32][17] Writing for The Atlantic on June 7, Marina Koren pointed out that the case fits a long pattern of previous unprovable claims and that, "so far, the best evidence [Grusch has] come up with, besides his own word, is the government's denial".[13] Matt Laslo, writing for Wired on June 13, described the sympathetic hearing of Grusch's claims by some members of Congress as an indication that in "our strange new political universe of alternative facts turned dystopian reality, once-fringe notions have built-in fan bases in today's Capitol".[9] Conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson gave publicity to the claims in a video posted to Twitter.[51] Tom Rogan, writing in the Washington Examiner on June 12, was skeptical regarding the extent of Grusch's claims, but said that they should be further investigated.[52]

Outside the United States, the story received attention from multiple foreign mainstream news outlets, in such countries as Denmark,[53][54][55][56] Germany,[57][58][59] France,[60][61] the Netherlands,[62] Sweden,[63][64] Norway,[65][66] Croatia[67][68] and Turkey.[69] The 2023 House Committee hearing at which Grusch testified brought much wider coverage to his claims including major international outlets like the BBC, CNN and others.[40][41]



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