여행 유튜버 원탑 Sabbatical의 여행담 / 외국어 습득의 최선책




This guy never fails to go in and get such wholesome content. He just walks around, chats up people and a great story and plot smacks him in the face every time haha. Terrific videos man I watch everyone that comes out.

As a linguist you are able to travel to every corner of the world. You are brave, venturing to places most tourists will not go. Extending friendship with a Yakuza through Instagram? Amazing. Yuyama-san is so cool. Thank you.


여성에게 말걸어


the hospitality that lady showed you was really heartwarming. such a generous and friendly person, and her house is honestly beautiful even if a bit dilapidated. what a wonderful interaction!! I thought it was really cool that you guys didnt even get each others names till 15 minutes or so of hanging out. thats how you know it was a very natural and friendly encounter, it didnt even occur to either of you. And after all that she walks with you around town. Truly amazing. Friendship! You have to visit her again if you ever return!

It's amazing you go to a place known for violent crime and gets scrambled eggs and a tour of a nice ladies home .
 This says a lot about the people.


What a wonderful human being that woman is. Inviting a total stranger into her home and feeding him as well. By her surroundings one can assume she is not a wealthy person. If only we were all like her. The world would be a much happier and safer place than what it is right now.




Sabbatical의 언어학습법
1. 500 key vocab
2. grammer
3. pop quiz
4. anki flash cards app
5. 15min a day
3 hours crazy
6. learn tones / chinese, african languages
7. Language exchange apps
8. make mistakes. communicate with locals.
9. simply things

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeBw1OmHckQ 15개국어

'언어는 학습하는 것이 아니라 습득하는 것입니다' 언어 천재 타일러 라쉬는 어떻게 언어 공부를 하는 걸까? ┃EBS초대석┃알고e즘
공부는 배움을 활용하는 것


조회수 천만, 외국어 학습의 비밀



정서적으로 안정된 상태, 자존감이 높은 상태일 때 언어뿐만이 아니라 모든 학습에 월등히 유리하다.
결론은 우리가 즐겁게 이해 가능한 입력들을 계속 받는다면 언어실력이 상승한다는 거네요. 스트레스 받지말고 즐겁고 재미있게 공부합시다



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