록펠러계가 터뜨린 것으로 추정되는 Sandstorm Report (1991)는 20세기 최대 금융 스캔들로 영국계 BCCI 은행이 북한 등 테러리스트 국가/단체들을 후원했던 것을 보여준다; 미국의회에 보관된 이 자료에는 중요한 이름이 다 가려져 있어, 어떤 사람이 영국 재무부에 정보공개를 청구했고, 원래는 20일 내에 답변을 받았어야 했으나, 답변을 받는데 5년 반의 시간이 걸렸다; 그러나 법원 판결에도 불구하고, 영국 정부는 영국 의회 도서관에 이 보고서를 추가하거나, 일반대중에 공개하는 것을 '다른 국가의 이해충돌'과 'BCCI 임원진에 대한 인권침해'를 이유로 거부한다; 여기에는 시티 오브 런던의 로비가 크게 작용했다


Sandstorm report

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sandstorm report is the name of the secret report submitted on June 24, 1991 by financial consultants Price Waterhouse to the Bank of England, showing that the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCI) had engaged in widespread fraud, and that organizations regarded as terrorist groups had maintained several accounts in BCCI in London, with the apparent knowledge of the British and American intelligence community. Sandstorm was Price Waterhouse's codename for BCCI.

As a result of the information contained in the Sandstorm report, the bank was raided and taken over by regulators in seven countries on July 5, 1991. Estimates of financial losses range from $10 billion to $17 billion, though some of it has been recovered by the bank's liquidators, Deloitte & Touche. [1]

See also[edit]


 Deleted scene from The Spider's Web documentary. Prem Sikka’s court case for the release of the Sandstorm Report. The Sandstorm report was the name of the secret report submitted on June 22, 1991 by financial consultants Price Waterhouse to the Bank of England, showing that the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) had engaged in widespread fraud, and that organizations regarded as terrorist groups had maintained several accounts in BCCI in London, with the apparent knowledge of the British and American intelligence community. Sandstorm was Price Waterhouse's codename for BCCI. The British government attempted to suppress the release of the Sandstorm Report. Sandstorm Report is available here: http://visar.csustan.edu/aaba/BCCISan... Sign up to our newsletter and be the first to hear about upcoming releases https://mailchi.mp/d3065996922a/indep... Become a Patreon supporter and gain early access to the documentaries, the extras and be a part of the projects as they develop:   / independentdocumentary   Rest of bonus material is uploaded here: http://hushhushvideo.com/blog/the-spi...





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