[다큐] 북한 관련 다큐: 1960년대~1980년대 로스차일드계 적십자와 조총련이 개입한 재일교포 북송 프로그램인 Return to Paradise; 북한 수출의 90%를 담당하는 중국은 북한과 협력하여 북한의 아프리카에서의 무기밀매, 마카오/홍콩에서의 자금세탁, 삼합회와의 석유거래를 도와줌; 삼합회가 북한에 석유를 공급하는 채널인 Unice 탱크에 대해 EU만 제재할 뿐, 미국과 UN은 침묵하며 북한을 도와주고 있다; 김정은 비자금을 관리하는 39호실에 대한 건물 위치, 평면도, 조직도는 이미 국제투기자본 수중 하에 있다; 영국 로이드 사 등 보험회사에 사기를 쳐서 보험금을 뜯어낸 북한 39호실 ㅡ HSBC와의 복잡한 관계 등을 생각해보면, 어쩌면 영국이 일부러 돈을 잃어준 것인지도; 미쓰비시UFJ의 자금세탁, 그리고 렉서스와 도요타를 타고 다니는 북한 부유층의 모습에서 보듯 북한은 일본과도 밀월 관계; ZARA나 아르마니 등 우리가 입는 상당수 패션 브랜드 옷들은 북한의 수용소에서 생산된다; 국제투기자본이 정말 북한을 조지려고 한다면 (1) 일본 제국에 대해 했던 것처럼, 북한 석유에 대한 미국, UN의 제재를 추가할 것이고, (2) 건설, 보험, 금융, 방직에 대한 39호실의 활동을 봉쇄할텐데, 아직까지 그러한 낌새는 보이지 않는다


In this week's episode of Minutes With we sat down with Ulrich Larsen, who went undercover in North Korea to expose many crimes of the totalitarian regime including an international arms deal. The story Ulrich tells in this episode became the plot of the documentary film "The Mole: Undercover In North Korea".


스웨덴 출신/CIA와 협조함




나미비아에서 무기거래를 했다가 북한과 외교관계가 잘 안풀렸는지 우간다로 바꿨다.

아프리카에서 활동하는 북한 공작원들은 몰래 중국 여권을 사용한다.


아프리카의 공장에서 1달러를 100달러로 바꾸는 위조지폐를 만들고 있다.




영국 로이드 사 등 보험회사들에게 사기를 쳐서 보험금을 뜯어냈다. 



Ulrich Larsen이 잡아낸 북파공작원

Alejandro Cao de Benós de Les y Pérez (born 24 December 1974) is a Spanish-born North Korean political activist. He is a Special Representative of the Foreign Ministry of North Korea.[3] He is, according to himself, also the Special Delegate of North Korea's Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. He is wanted by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation for conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).[4]

He is also the founder, president, and only salaried member of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA).[5] He has been an advocate of North Korea since 1990. His Korean name, Cho Sun-il ("One Korea"),[6] is self-given but not a legal name as he travels using his Spanish passport.[5] He is an honorary member of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean People's Army.[7] He has lived in Tarragona and Barcelona, working as an IT consultant.[8] In April 2022, the US Department of Justice charged Cao de Benós "with conspiring to violate United States sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea."[9][10][11][12]




The Mole: Undercover in North Korea is a 2020 documentary miniseries written and directed by Mads Brügger that managed to record plans of large-scale illegal weapon distributions, methamphetamine laboratories, and money laundering. The series follows Ulrich Larsen, called "the Mole", a former chef living on benefits who spends 10 years infiltrating the Korean Friendship Association (KFA).[1] He quickly rises through the ranks and gains the trust of KFA leader Alejandro Cao de Benós from Spain.[1] Cao de Benós tells the Mole that he is looking for possible investors that are willing to invest in North Korea, despite sanctions against the country. Brügger decides to inject into the story a "Mr James" (Jim Latrache-Qvortrup), pretending to be a possible investor.[2]

After a meeting with Cao de Benós about possible sale of drugs and weapons from North Korea, the Mole and Mr. James travel to North Korea, where they sign a contract with North Korea to produce drugs and weapons in another country.[3] Mr James meets the North Koreans officials again in Uganda, where they discuss buying an island in Lake Victoria in Uganda to construct an underground drugs and weapons manufactory, under the disguise of establishing a luxury hotel.[4] The series later won "best documentary" at the Danish Robert Awards in 2021.[5]

The filming of the documentary leads Ulrich to North Korea, and around the world, to initiate negotiations of cross-continental Scud missiles, weapons, and methamphetamine between North Korea and a fake businessman. This exposed how North Korea attempts to avoid the strict sanctions placed against the regime.[6]




일본 조총련의 재일교포 북송 프로그램인 Return to Paradise - 로스차일드계 적십자도 개입

1959년과 1984년 사이, 94,000명의 재일교포가 이렇게 북송 됨 ㅡ 재일교포로서 차별받다 '천국'처럼 우상화된 고향 (북조선)으로 돌아가려고 했던 것이지만, 결국 일본에 대한 그리움에 사무치다 죽은 사람 상당수 ㅡ 최상의 영화소재 (여기에 탈북 스토리까지 곁들이면 더욱)






 As a child growing up in North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee thought her country was "the best on the planet." It wasn't until the famine of the 90s that she began to wonder. She escaped the country at 14, to begin a life in hiding, as a refugee in China. Hers is a harrowing, personal tale of survival and hope -- and a powerful reminder of those who face constant danger, even when the border is far behind. Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. You're welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know.





김정은 시대에 탈북이 어려워지는 이유: 통제강화, 중국의 CCTV 설치 강화, 러시아 중국과의 인도조약 강화 / 브로커 수수료도 비싸지는 중 / 2020년 코로나 이후에는 탈북 즉시 총살 가능해짐 / 한국 드라마만 봐도 총살 가능하게 법이 개정 / 90년대 중반 고난의 행군 시기에는 탈북할 때마다 감옥에 갇히고 처벌 수위가 높아지는 정도에 불과했다.

- 태국, 몽골, 베트남: 북송 x 남송 

- 러시아, 중국, 라오스, 미얀마: 북송 o

북중 국경선이 너무 길어서 아직까지 완전한 통제는 어렵다는 이야기도 있다.


부유층은 렉서스, 도요타 차 타고 다님

버버리 가방도.

평양 부유층, 외교관, 외국인 관광객 전용 쇼핑몰이 있다.




네덜란드 Leiden대학의 Remco Breuker 연구팀에 따르면,

김정은 비자금을 관리하는 39호실에 대한 건물 위치, 평면도, 조직도 모두 유출됨.

중국의 Vent d'Est는 북한의 노동자들과 수용소의 죄수들에게 아웃소싱을 하여 옷을 생산 ㅡ ZARA, 아르마니진 같은 세계적인 의류 브랜드에 납품.

Vent d'Est에 대한 정보는 구글 검색이나 위키피디아에도 언급되어 있지 않음.

Breuker 왈, "We're complicit."



Remco Breuker is a historian of Korea and Northeast Asia, who works on medieval Korean and Northeast Asian history and on contemporary North Korean affairs. He published on the medieval state of Koryo, Korean historiography, Northeast Asia and North Korea, as well as literary translations from Korean into Dutch. Interested in margins, marginality, hybridity and pluralism, since 2014 he has been working on making the voices of elite exiles from North Korea heard in academic debates. He currently works on an ERC-sponsored project on perceptions of Manchurian histories and a LeidenAsiaCentre-sponsored project on North Korean forced labour in the EU.



1990-1997 MA Japanese Studies ( Leiden University)
1993-1997 MA Korean Studies (Leiden University)
1997-2001 MA Korean History coursework (Seoul National University)
2001-2006 PhD Korean History (Leiden University)

2001-2006 Leiden University PhD Scholar
2007-2008 Australian National University Post-doctoral Fellow
(Division of Pacific and Asian History)
2008-2011 NWO funded VENI researcher (Leiden University)
2011 Full Professor Korean Studies


Prof.dr. R.E. Breuker
+31 71 527 2921







Room 39 (officially Central Committee Bureau 39 of the Workers' Party of Korea,[1] also referred to as Bureau 39, Division 39, or Office 39[2]) is a secretive North Korean party organization that seeks ways to maintain the foreign currency slush fund for the country's leaders.[3]

The organization is estimated to bring in between $500 million and $1 billion per year or more[4] and is involved in illegal activities, such as counterfeiting $100 bills, producing controlled substances (including the synthesis of methamphetamine and the conversion of morphine into more potent opiates like heroin), and international insurance fraud.[3][5]

Room 39 is the largest of three influential so-called Third Floor offices along with Office 35 tasked with intelligence and Office 38 which handles legal financial activities.[6] Room 39 is believed to be located inside a ruling Workers' Party building in Pyongyang,[7] not far from one of the North Korean leader's residences.[2] All three Offices were initially housed on the third floor of the building where Kim Jong Il's office used to be, hence the moniker "Third Floor".[6]




Room 39 has been described as the linchpin of the North's so-called "court economy" centered on the dynastic Kim family.[8]

According to Kim Kwang-jin, in 1972, Kim Jong Il created the central party department called "Office No. 39", which was named after the arbitrary office number where it began operations.[9] Initially the Office was under the Finance and Accounting Department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.[10]

In early 2010, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported that Kim Dong-un, head of the department, was replaced by his deputy, Jon Il-chun.[11]

The Chosun Ilbo reported that Room 38, led by Kim Jong Il, was merged into Room 39 in late 2009, but the two were split again in 2010 due to difficulties in obtaining foreign currency.[12] Room 38 handles funds of the Kim family in legal businesses and acts as a front organization for Room 39.[6]

In July 2017, Chon Il-chun, first vice department director of the party's Central Committee and a former classmate of Kim Jong Il was leader of the office.[13]

Purpose and activities

Room 39 is also involved in the management of foreign currency earnings from foreigners' hotels in Pyongyang, gold and zinc mining, and agricultural and fisheries exports.[citation needed] They are believed to run networks of illegal and legal companies that often change names.[14] The number of companies believed to be controlled by Room 39 - reportedly up to 120 in number at one point[10] - include Zokwang Trading and Taesong Bank.[12] Many of the $500 million worth of textiles North Korea exports each year have phony "made in China" labels attached to them and the wages of the estimated 50,000 North Korean workers sent abroad to work are reported to have added between $500 million and $2 billion a year to Room 39's income.[14]

A 2007 report published by the Millennium Project of the World Federation of United Nations Associations said North Korea makes an estimated $500 million to $1 billion annually from illegal enterprises.[15] Criminal operations reported to be run by Room 39 include trafficking fake US dollars, peddling bogus Viagra, exporting the recreational drug N-methylamphetamine and obtaining Russian oil using dealers in Singapore.[14] At some point, transactions and trade by Office 39 reached 25 to 50% of the total of North Korea.[10][clarification needed]

In 2009, a Washington Post report outlined a global insurance fraud scheme by the North Korean government. The state-owned Korea National Insurance Corp (KNIC) sought reinsurance contracts with international reinsurers and then submitted fraudulent claims; the contracts were governed by North Korean law and legal challenges were fruitless.[5] Document forgeries are also reported.[16]

Room 39 is also believed to be operating the overseas North Korean restaurant chain called Pyongyang.[17]

In 2015, the European Union placed the Korea National Insurance Corporation (KNIC) under sanctions and added that the KNIC had links to Office 39.[18] The KNIC (which had offices in Hamburg, Germany and London, UK) was reported to have had assets of UK £787 million in 2014 and had been involved in scamming insurance markets and making investments in property and foreign exchange.[19] Thae Yong-ho, a North Korean diplomat who defected in 2016, said that North Korea earned each year "tens of millions of dollars" with insurance fraud.[20]

Ri Jong Ho was chairman of the Korea Kumgang Group that formed a joint venture with a Chinese businessman to run a taxi company in Pyongyang,[21] the president of a North Korean shipping company, and head of a Chinese branch of Daeheung, a North Korean trading company involved in seafood, coal, shipping and oil. In a 2017 newspaper article Ri described how he evaded sanctions by transferring cash from China to North Korea by ship and by train.[22]

A 2020 review by the National Intelligence Service found that the Korea Kaesong Koryo Insam Trading Corporation was likely a front for Room 39.[23]




평범한 기업체도 많이 차리고, 합작사업도 진행하며, 외화상점 해외 북한식당 운영에도 참여하지만 이것만으로도 모자라서 무기 밀수나 보험사기같은 불법적인 사업에도 많이 참여하고 있으며 이 중에서 마약에 까지 손을 댔다가 역효과를 불러일으켜서 북한내에서 마약중독자를 양산시킨 사회적 악영향을 끼친 후폭풍을 일으킨 예도 있다.

2006년 미국 하원 정보위원회의 추산으로 총액 약 40억 달러, 연 수입 약 3~5억 달러 수준이다.

2018년 초 거듭된 핵·미사일 개발, 각종 선심성 사업, 그리고 미국의 강화된 대북제재의 영향으로 자금이 거의 고갈되었다는 소식이 전해졌다.



김정은 금 300톤 보유설[편집]

데일리 NK에서는 2006년 발표한바에 따르면 2001년에 탈북한 사람에 말에 의하면 현재 39호실에 현재 금을 김정일이 금 300톤을 보유하였다고 밝힌 바가 있음을 알수가 있다는 것이다.[1]

현재 조선민주주의인민공화국은 김정일에 300톤의 금을 보유하고 있고 이를 지금 한화로 계산하면 16조 9,000억원의 자산이 있음을 알수가 있고 이를 50억 달러(한화 5조 8,000억 원)을 합하면 현재 22조 7,000억 원(미화 195억 달러)의 자산이 있음을 확인이 되었고 특히 추가 여분까지 합하면 최대 500억 달러의 자산이 있다고 알려져 있다.[2]





북한 김정일 정권의 외화벌이는 참으로 다양하고 피눈물난다. 해외에서는 건설 말고도 식당 일, 태권도 연수, 문화 공연 등 다양하다. 각국에 주재한 북한 공관에도 적게는 수천달러에서 많게는 수만달러의 외화계획량이 할당된다. 외교관들의 주 업무는 외화벌이라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 대량파괴무기(WMD)를 비롯해 공기부양정, 레이더, 위성위치확인시스템(GPS) 등 각종 군용장비를 아프리카와 중남미에 수출하고 있다. 그리고 위조지폐와 마약밀매, 상아밀수와 가짜 비아그라 유통 등으로 상당한 외화를 챙긴다. 또한 중국에 석탄·철광석·구리 등 고가의 지하자원을 헐값으로 내다판다. 여기서 끝이 아니다. 국제 보험사기와 허위 외자 유치 등 돈이 될 만한 것이면 뭐든 서슴지 않는다.

내년을 강성대국 진입의 해라고 외치는 김정일 정권은 외화벌이에 전 인민을 내몰고 있다. 해마다 문화성, 체육위원회, 농업성 등 20여개 부처에 보통 1만달러의 외화벌이 계획이 노동당의 특별지시로 내려오는데 이를 초과 달성하기 위해 모두가 발이 닳도록 뛴다. 인민군은 각 군단·사단에서 무역회사를 독자적으로 운영한다. 이들은 중국의 개인 사업자와 소규모 무역을 하는 한편으로, 일부는 사병들을 산으로 내몰아 외화벌이가 될 만한 산짐승 사냥을 강요한다.

내부적으로 군·관·민이 총출동해 벌어들이는 외화는 연간 3억~4억달러이며, 해외에서 번 돈까지 합치면 연평균 10억달러를 해외에 예치하고 있다. 세계 12개 나라, 17개 은행, 37개 계좌에 들어 있는 북한의 외화는 300억~500억달러로 추정된다. 모두 김정일의 것이다. 그는 이 돈으로 식품과 의류 및 생필품 구입에 수천만달러, 자동차와 집무실 관리비로 수억달러를 쓴다. 그의 가족이 사용하는 모든 제품도 고가 외제이며 가족 관저도 수십억달러짜리다.





Overseas Factory

Vent d’Est (Myanmar) Co.,Ltd. was founded on Monday, October 26, 2015, with a registered capital of 5 million yuan.Its business mainly includes clothing and apparel manufacturing, garment-related import and export. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vent d’Est Garments Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Vent d’Est Shares").

The Company is located at  No.(44),Mya Street,Thar Du Kan Industrial Zone, Shwe Pyi Thar Township, Yangon,Myanmar. Covering an area of about 13,000 square meters,it is about 10 kilometers from Yangon Airport and 20 kilometers from Yangon Port.

Since its establishment, the Company has cooperated with many well-known foreign clothing companies, to produce and process various styles of popular clothing.

At present, the Company has about 1700 employees, more than 1,000 sets of various clothing processing equipments, 20 production lines, with an annual production capacity of 1.5 ~ 1.8 million pieces. It mainly process various sportswear, such as casual wear men’s and women’s cotton clothes, PU jackets, leisure suits and woolen overcoat, with complete integrated industry chain processing capabilities of design, production, storage and transportation. It is the largest subsidiary of Vent d’Est Shares.





북한 - 중국 정부 / 중국 삼합회 커넥션

대만 해협근처의 석유탱크 Unice ㅡ 북한에 석유를 공급.


Unice는 홍콩에서 금사업을 하는 Gary To가 운영했고, Gary To는 또 마카오에서 도박사업을 하는 삼합회 멤버 Alvin Chau로 연결됨. Another of Chau's former business partners is Sun Tit Fan, who sits at the heart of a cluster of companies with extensive ties to North Korea.

북한과 삼합회의 커넥션은 UN의 제재 훨씬 이전부터 존재했음.

북한돈을 세탁해주는 HSBC계열 마카오 은행 - 스탠리 호의 은행이었음.

모든 것이 중국의 묵인 하에 이루어짐.

북한 수출의 90%는 중국에 의존하고, 중국은 북한을 완충지대로 여겨, 서로 긴밀하게 협조.

더 중요한 사실은 Unice의 대북 석유 운송에 대해 EU만 제재하고, UN이나 미국은 제재를 안 함





스탠리 호

- 비범한 성공 신화가 유명하지만, 한편으로는 악평을 듣기도 한다. 아무리 밑바닥을 경험한 다음에 기업가로써는 대성한 인물이기는 해도 대놓고 구린내가 펄펄나는 도박으로 돈을 벌다 보니 애초부터 좋은 평을 듣기는 만무하기는 하다. 사실 사업이 마냥 깨끗하지 않았다는 얘기나 보도도 여러 번 나오기도 했다.      

- 상당수의 재산을 차명으로 보유하고 있어서, 그의 사치수준을 감안해 보았을 때 포브스 등 재산 통계 인덱스에 나타나는 액수가 매우 적은 편이다. 아무래도 업종이 도박이다 보니 뒷세계 삼합회와 유착도 강한 것으로 알려져 있다. (반면 홍콩의 재신 리카싱은 삼합회와 사이가 안 좋다.)




일본 니케이 소유의 Financial Times에서 보도된 다큐라 그런지 일본 (방위성) 측 입장을 대변하는 Meiko Takeuchi가 등장함




Maiko Takeuchi has 20 years of experience in national security. She specialized in WMD non-proliferation and security export control. She served the United Nations Security Council as a member of the Panel of Experts (UNSCR 1874 Panel of Experts) for North Korea for five years (2016-2021). While on the Panel, she investigated North Korea’s nuclear and other WMD programs and related procurements, and violations of embargos, overseas workers, and activities of UN- designated entities.

Before joining the United Nations, she served the Ministry of Defense for 15 years as a defense policy official. She worked on cyber security strategy and communication systems in the Ministry of Defense, and from 2008 to 2010, she worked on strategic trade control as the chief of the research and planning office at the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry. During her career in government, she was also appointed to the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Korea as First Secretary and Civilian Defense Attaché for four years. She was appointed to the Cabinet Secretariat for National Security and Crisis Management, where she worked for inter-agency policy coordination.

As a diplomat and strategic trade control officer as well as WMD expert, she has on the ground experience and legal expertise in non-proliferation and strategic trade control. She has had the opportunity to present on outreach and capacity building activities for both government practitioners, industries, and financial institutions.

She is a visiting scholar at the Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Research, Waseda University. She holds a Master’s degree in Regional Studies East Asia from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Law from the University of Tokyo. While contributing to the media to raise awareness on economic sanctions, she has written a number of articles on the effective implementation of sanctions.


(아베 신조-미쓰비시 UFJ가 북한 검은돈 세탁한건 이야기 안행? 김정은이 IOC에서 2020년 도쿄 올림픽 지지하고, 도요타/렉서스 등 일본차 수입하는 거는? 자민당 정권 지지율 위기일 때마다 김정은이 미사일 발사해줬던 건?)



전직 CIA요원이자 CSIS에서 근무했고, CFR의 데이비드 록펠러 펠로우를 역임했고, 현재 윌슨 센터 연구원인 김수미 (Sue Mi Terry) 역시 인터뷰.




Dr. Sue Mi Terry, Director of the Asia Program and the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy from 2021 to 2023, is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. She has had an extensive career in the U.S. government, academia, and the private sector.

Full bio:

Dr. Sue Mi Terry was the Director of the Asia Program and the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy from 2021-2023. Prior to joining the Wilson Center, Dr. Terry served in a range of important policy roles related to both Korea and its surrounding region.

Formerly a Senior Fellow with the Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), she served as a Senior Analyst on Korean issues at the CIA (2001-2008), where she produced hundreds of intelligence assessments--including a record number of contributions to the President’s Daily Brief, the Intelligence Community’s most prestigious product.  She received numerous awards for her leadership and outstanding mission support, including the CIA Foreign Language award in 2008.  From 2008 to 2009, Dr. Terry was the Director for Korea, Japan, and Oceanic Affairs at the National Security Council under both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama.  In that role, she formulated, coordinated, and implemented U.S. government policy on Korea and Japan, as well as Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania.  From 2009 to 2010, she was Deputy National Intelligence Officer for East Asia at the National Intelligence Council.  In that position, she led the US. Intelligence community’s production of strategic analysis on East Asian issues and authored multiple National Intelligence Estimates.  From 2010 to 2011, Dr. Terry served as the National Intelligence Fellow in the David Rockefeller Studies Program at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

Since leaving the government, Dr. Terry has been a Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute (2011-2015), where she taught both graduate and undergraduate courses on Korean politics and East Asia.

She holds a Ph.D. (2001) and an M.A. (1998) in international relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a B.A. in political science from New York University (1993). She was born in Seoul and raised in Hawaii and Northern Virginia.



Alvin Chau Cheok-wa[1] (Chinese: 周焯華; Jyutping: zau1 coek3 waa4), nicknamed Sai Mai-wa (Chinese: 洗米華; lit. 'wash rice Wah'), is a Macanese-born businessman and founder of Suncity Group.


Chau is the founder and CEO of Suncity, the largest junket operator in Macau.[2]: 303  At times, the company controlled almost 50% of the VIP gaming business in Macau.[2]: 303 

Chau is a former member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference's Guangdong Provincial Committee.


On November 28, 2021, Chau was arrested on a warrant issued by the city of Wenzhou.[2]: 302  The arrest warrant was based on allegations of illegal cross-border casino operations and money laundering.[2]: 302  Along with Chau, ten alleged accomplices were arrested.[2]: 302  Within a week of Chau's arrest, Suncity closed all of its VIP rooms in Macau.[2]: 302 

He was convicted in January 2023 of leading a criminal syndicate, and running illegal gambling and fraud operations, and sentenced to 18 years in prison.[3][4][5][6]


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