[다큐] J.P. Morgan: The Man Who Owned America by MagnatesMedia; 모건이 어떻게 남북전쟁 때 카빈총 (반복총기) 장사로 마진을 남기고, 철도 (전미국의 1/3 지배), 철강 (US 스틸), 전기 (GE), 통신 (AT & T) 산업을 독점했는지 보여주는 다큐; 그러나 모건이 1893년 공황과 1907년 공황에서부터 미국을 구해냈다는 전통적인 주류 역사학계의 시선을 답습한다는 점에서 수준이 많이 낮은 다큐다


로스차일드 얘기 없는 모건 이야기는 뭐다?

앙꼬없는 찐빵이다.




You appear to have overlooked some critical research aspects. A substantial portion of the information presented in this documentary deviates significantly from reality. The Morgans, in fact, served as agents for the Rothschilds in the United States. Notably, George Peabody, who partnered with the Rothschilds in the U.S., welcomed Junius Spencer Morgan as a partner in 1854, ultimately evolving into J.P. Morgan & Co. It was James Rothschild who orchestrated the French repayment of loans borrowed from J.S. Morgan during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1). This historical context elucidates why, contrary to the documentary's depiction, the Grover Cleveland administration could borrow gold from the Rothschild-Morgan syndicate in 1895 following the panic of 1893. The 1910 Jekyll Island meeting, pivotal in establishing the Federal Reserve Bank in 1914, featured J.P. Morgan and Paul Warburg, representing the Rothschild banking family (both Warburg and Rothschild are of Jewish descent and share familial ties). The collaboration of Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller syndicate gave rise to the Federal Reserve System in the U.S. Did JP Morgan save America from the 1893 panic, and the 1907 panic? NO, HE WAS THE CAUSE OF PANIC.


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