버트런트 러셀의 비서 였던 Ralph Schoenman에 대해

1958년 프린스턴 대학교 졸업 후 Ralph Schoenman은 영국으로 건너가 버트런트 러셀이 지배하던 대학, 런던정경대에서 경제학 석사 학위를 밟게 된다. (런던정경대 재학에 대한 이야기는 위키피디아에는 나오지 않는다.) 꽤 인상깊은 학생이었던건지, 그는 졸업 시기인 1960년에 버트런트 러셀을 만나게 되고, (마치 300인 위원회를 흉내낸 듯한) 버트런트 러셀의 반핵 운동 조직인 the Committee of 100를 이끌게 된다. 그는 러셀의 개인 비서를 지냈으며, 1963년 설립된 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation의 사무총장을 1969년까지 지내게 된다. 러셀이 죽기 1년 전인 1969년에 러셀과 Schoenman은 결별했다. 러셀은 Schoenman이 재단에서 퇴출되는 이사진 안건에도 동의한다.


러셀이 1960년대 후반에 집필하여 1975년에 출간한 자서전에는 Schoenman에게 초인적인 에너지가 있고, 두뇌가 명석했음이 여러 차례에 걸쳐 묘사된다. 러셀을 처음 만났을 때의 나이는 불과 26세였고, 러셀과 결별하는 1969년에도 35세에 불과했는데, 젊은 나이에도 80대 후반~90대 후반의 노철학자를 매료시킬만큼 인물은 인물이었나 보다.

심지어 버나드 레빈은 러셀이 반미성향을 많이 갖게 된 결정적인 이유로 Schoenman을 지목하기도 했다. 실제로 Schoenman과 러셀 모두 미국이 저지른 베트남 전쟁범죄에 매우 비판적이었고, 미국의 빈부격차에 대해 우려했으며, 미국 중앙정보부의 JFK 암살 개입을 믿었고, 이스라엘과 시오니즘에 적대적이었다. (러셀은 소련에서 유태인들을 탄압한 것에 대해 비판하는 성명을 내보내기도 했었지만 말이다.)



Bernard Levin wrote critically of Schoenman's influence on Russell, saying that Schoenman was partly responsible for Russell's virulent anti-Americanism, in contrast to his earlier pronouncements against communism.[1] Russell said of Schoenman, "You know he is a rather rash young man, and I have to restrain him.".[2]Ralph Schoenman (1935-2023) was an American left-wing activist who was a personal secretary to Bertrand Russell and became general secretary of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. He was involved in a number of projects supported by Russell, including the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), the Committee of 100 and an unofficial war crimes tribunal to try American leaders for their conduct in the Vietnam War. Shortly before his death in 1970, Russell publicly broke with Schoenman .In December 1969, Russell made a public statement in that he had no contact with Schoenman and was unaware of his activities. Russell approved a vote to remove Schoenman from the board of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.[12]


Schoenman then founded the National Committee for a Citizens Commission of Inquiry on U.S. war crimes in Vietnam to document US war crimes in Vietnam. The Commission of Inquiry travelled around the US conducting hearings on alleged atrocities in Vietnam.[13][14]




 The Uprising1. The Four Myths2. Zionist Objectives3. Colonizing Palestine4. Tragic Consequences5. The Seizure of the Land6. Zionism and the Jews7. The Myth of Security8. Blitzkrieg and Slaughter9. The Second Occupation10. The Prevalence of Torture11. The Prisons12. Strategy for Conquest13. A Strategy for RevolutionMap: The Zionist Vision of Eretz IsraelSuggested Reading (not yet transcribed)Appendix (not yet transcribed)About the AuthorHe also has been a leader of the Committee for Artistic Freedom in Iran, Co-Director of the Committee in Defense of the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples, Director of American Workers and Artists for Solidarity, and Executive Director of the Palestine Campaign which called for an end to all aid to Israel and for a democratic secular Palestine.




    In 1958, he went to Britain to study economics at the London School of Economics, where he received an M.S. degree in economics in 1960. During that same year, he became associated with Bertrand Russell and started the Committee of 100, a group of British intellectuals and leftists dedicated to bringing about real social change. At one point, he was imprisoned with other leaders of the Committee of 100, presumably for civil disobedience. He was arrested again some years later, after a rally in Grosvenor Square. 

    As might be expected, Schoenman holds many extreme leftist beliefs. Here is a selection of them.

  • America is run by a “vicious oligarchy” that rules it “through a network of clandestine agencies at the service of banking and corporate capital.” (Article Resist U.S. Aggression! Who Are the Real Terrorists? In The Organizer.)

  • America is still in a protracted class war (above).

  • Zionism is racism and Israeli brutality.

  • Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to create the Holocaust.

  • Israel is an apartheid state where Palestinians are the true Jews.

  • The Palestinians were given a police force solely for the purposes of suppressing its own population.





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